Cucumber BDD Automation Framework for your automation projects. It provides you with a ready folder and library structure to quickly get started on your test automation projects.
The easiest way to get started is to clone the repository:
# File > New > Project From Version Control
# Copy to URL
# open project at Intellij
# select project JDK
# Load Pom
Click to pom.xml > Maven > Reload Project
# Run All Test
Click to runners > TestRunnerAll and Run
# Run Smoke Test
Click to Runner > TestRunnerSmoke and Run
Package | Description |
TestNG | Next Generation Testing Tool. |
Selenium | Browser Automation Framework. |
slf4j | The Simple Logging Facade for Java. | | The Apache Commons IO library. |
cucumber | Cucumber is a tool that supports BDD. |
grasshopper | HTML & PDF Report plugin for cucumber. |
|-- src
| |-- main
| |-- java
| |-- resources
| |-- test
| |-- java
| |-- featurefiles
| |-- Cucumber Feature Files
| |-- pageobjectmodels
| |-- Locators, Page Object Model Files
| |-- runners
| |-- AllTest
| |-- AuthTest
| |-- RegressionTest
| |-- SmokeTest
| |-- stepdefinitions
| |-- Hooks
| |-- * Test Class Files
| |-- utilities
| |-- DriverManager
| |-- Events
| |-- ExcelUtility
| |-- resources
| |-- results
| |-- .gitkeep
| |-- .gitignore
|-- .gitignore
|-- pom.xml
This project is open-sourced software licensed under the GPL-3.0 license.
If you think that anything here could be improved, please don't hesitate to contribute. Anyone who wants to, regardless of their ability, skill, or background, can contribute to this project. All contributions are made for the benefit of the community. Thanks very much for helping this repository become much more suitable for its purpose and more useful to a larger number of people.
#cucumber #bdd #framework #boilerplate #testing #sdet #automation #test #selenium #java #testng #gherkin