WARNING: the function signature of netlist_utilities::get_subgraph_function
has changed
added cycle detection to netlist_utilities::get_subgraph_function
added Lattice ICE gate library
improved access to layout class NodeBox for GUI C++ developer
improved Python plugin, added command line option --python-script
and --python-args
improved appearance and programmcode for arrow-key navigation
removed all Boost and Kyoto references
fixed crashes due to missing entries in coordinate system in views with unconnected boxes
fixed crashes when navigating from global inputs connected to multiple boxes
fixed bad alignment between net endpoint and port label for gates with ports not connected to nets
fixed log output got incorrectly supressed in case command line arguments were solely directed at plugins
fixed wrong layouting of endpoints in GUI in the presence of unconnected pins/ports
fixed wrong calculation of minimum size of the dockbars
fixed bottom dockbar not reappearing when dragging removing every widget from it
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