Web application where we can play online to board games !
It uses Eole API as RestAPI.
More information about Eole itself: What is Eole ?
This project requires Node.js and gulp-cli (install: npm install --global gulp-cli
but it also provides a Docker environment.
- Clone project
git clone git@github.com:eole-io/eole-angular.git --branch=dev
cd eole-angular
- Install Eole web application
You should now access to the front application:
- Clone project
git clone git@github.com:eole-io/eole-angular.git --branch=dev
cd eole-angular
- Install Nodejs dependencies
npm install
- Deploy application for development
gulp deploy
- Configure your environment
Go config/environment.js
, set your API base url and websocket server.
By default, environment values try to be generalist, by you should check
whether path, port, hostname... match with your installed version.
Assuming you have installed Eole Api on localhost:
angular.module('eole.config', [])
.constant('eoleApiUrl', '//' + currentHostname + '/eole-api/www/api.php/') // API base url
.constant('webSocketUri', 'ws://' + currentHostname + ':443') // Websocket server
or if don't want to install Eole Api
and just want to navigate with a mocked api and websocket,
you can set mock
.constant('eoleApiUrl', 'mock')
.constant('webSocketUri', 'mock')
Eole Angular uses XO and jslint code checkers. Run it with:
npm test
- See gulp commands
This project is under AGPL-v3 License.