This R package provides access to most of the processed and raw datasets from Indiana-COVID-19-Tracker and Indiana-COVIDcast-Dashboard. Visualizations created using this data can be seen at the website. While most of the data in this package relates to Indiana, there are datasets for Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin as well.
You can install the latest version of indianacovid19data from Github with:
# install.packages("remotes")
indianacovid19data has csv file types for all its datasets in the
directory of the github repository or they can be
accessed by installing the package and using path_to_file
to find the
file path.
#> [1] "C:/Users/tbats/Documents/R/win-library/4.0/indianacovid19data/extdata/hosp_msas_line.csv"
If the name argument is NULL, then a list of the available files in .csv format is returned
#> [1] "age_cases_heat.csv" "age_death_line.csv"
#> [3] "age_hosp_line.csv" "beds_vents_complete.csv"
#> [5] "dash_ci_line.csv" "goog_mob_ind.csv"
#> [7] "hosp_msas_line.csv" "hosp_react_tab.csv"
#> [9] "illinois_tests_complete.csv" "ind_age_complete.csv"
#> [11] "ind_race_complete.csv" "ind_tests_complete.csv"
#> [13] "median_age_bubble.csv" "mich_tests_complete.csv"
#> [15] "mort_hosp_line.csv" "msa_cases100_posrate_historic.csv"
#> [17] "open_tab_reg.csv" "wisc_tests_complete.csv"
To cite the indianacovid19data package, please use:
#> To cite indianacovid19data in publications use:
#> Eric Book. (2021, April 13). indianacovid19data: COVID-19 data for
#> Indiana. R package version v1.0.
#> doi:
#> 10.5281/zenodo.4685381.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Manual{,
#> title = {indianacovid19data: COVID-19 data for Indiana},
#> author = {Eric Book},
#> year = {2021},
#> note = {R package version v1.0},
#> doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4685381},
#> url = {},
#> }