To get the API we register by entering the website. then we select the API according to the data we want to get and integrate it into our project...
- First, we import the necessary libraries: we install them to make HTTP requests with requests and time transactions with datetime... `'python import requests import datetime
2. We define the OpenWeatherMap API key and its basic URL(You need to get the API key through the Site...)
- We create the full URL for the API request by taking the city name from the user: `'python SEHIR_ISMI = input("Enter the city name...") URL=BASE_URL+"appid="+API_KEY+"&q="+CITY_ISMI
4. We take the weather data by sending a request to the API and convert it to JSON format:
in_veri = requests.get(URL)
INEN_VERI_JSON = inen_veri.json()
we define a function called yon_donus, this function takes the given wind direction in degrees and returns with a more understandable direction name.
We verify the data reception by checking that the 'cod' key in the API response is not 404: `'python if from_veri_json['cod'] != "404":
7. We get the list of forecasts containing weather forecasts:
forecasts = IN_VERI_JSON["list"]
We perform the following steps for each forecast data:
- We get the Unix timestamp: `'python timestamp = forecast["dt"]
9. We take the temperature values:
temp_kelvin = forecast["main"]["temp"]
temp_min = forecast["main"]["temp_min"]
temp_max = forecast["main"]["temp_max"]
- We receive other weather data: `'python humidity = forecast["main"]["humidity"] wind_speed = forecast["wind"]["speed"] wind_direction = forecast["wind"]["deg"] clouds = forecast["clouds"]["all"] rain = forecast.get("rain", {}).get("3h", 0) snow = forecast.get("snow", {}).get("3h", 0) visibility = forecast["visibility"] uv_index = forecast.get("uv", 0) description = forecast["weather"][0]["description"] pressure = forecast["main"]["pressure"] country = from_veri_json["city"]["country"]
11. We are converting the Unix timestamp to a datetime object:
date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp)
- We convert the temperature values from Kelvin to Celsius: `'python temp_celsius = temp_kelvin - 273.15 temp_celsius_min= temp_min - 273.15 temp_celsius_max = temp_max - 273.15
13. We use the yon_donus function to express the wind direction more clearly:
wind_ion= wind_donus(wind_direction)
- We print the data we receive on the screen: `'python print("Date and Time:", date_str) print("Day:", gun) print("Temperature: {:.2f} °C".format(temp_celsius)) print("Lowest Temperature: {:.2f} °C".format(temp_celsius_min)) print("Highest Temperature: {:.2f} °C".format(temp_celsius_max)) print("Humidity:", humidity, "%") print("Wind Speed:", wind_speed, "m/s") print("Wind Direction:", wind direction) print("Cloud Ratio:", clouds, "%") print("Precipitation (3 Hours):", rain, "mm") print("Snow (3 Hours):", snow, "mm") print("Viewing Distance:", visibility, "meter") print("UV Index:", uv_index) print("Weather:", description) print("Pressure:", pressure, "hPa") print("Country:", country) print("------------------------")
15. If the city name is not valid (if a 404 error is received), we show an error message to the user:
print("Invalid city name...")