This repository contains all the practice and applications made with Udemy courses for the NodeJS Academy.
In this section I will be adding information on the installation and use of the applications developed.
- Available here! A small dice game, where a limit score is established and the first to reach it will win (instructions in the game).
- Available here! Application for the control-monitoring-management of the monthly budget available. It allows adding-removing income and expenses, with their respective description and amount.
- This application allows you to search for a wide variety of recipes, calculate the amount of ingredients based on the required servings, and access the preparation instructions for each one. It was done using npm, webpack, babel, javascript, css and html.
To use this app, please after clone-download the folder of Forkify type in your bash / console:
npm install
npm dev
npm build
npm start
The necessary packages will be installed for the application to work, and it will also open a tab in your default browser to be able to use it.
- Available here! My first application using Node.js with Express.js. In it I have configured both the back-end and the minimalist front-end. The application uses third-party APIs such as WeatherStack and MapBox to locate the location and obtain the weather data. Weathe-app is deployed on Heroku.