Shenlong is a Rust CLI Tool for Kubernetes Secret files. Shenlong allows the user to not create a file, and instead allows for the piping of the yaml file to the kube apply function.
This allows for no weird SED injections of template files in the build process, or storing secret files in version control or secret files on the server. Instead the user gets it on the fly.
As of right now, Shenlong is NOT part of cargo. Its on my todo list. Right now just do cargo build in the root of the the project, and then access the shenlong in target/debug/shenlong
./target/debug/shenlong --namespace my-kube-namespace --name my-kube-secrets --secret FOO:BOI | kubectl apply -f -
shenlong 1.0
Eric McBride <>
Kube Secret Updater
shenlong [OPTIONS] --name <NAME> --namespace <NAMESPACE> --secret <SECRET>...
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-d, --delete <DELETE> Delete Kube Secret (true or false)
--name <NAME> Secrets File Name
-n, --namespace <NAMESPACE> Namespace for secrets
--secret <SECRET>... Key:Value secrets (multiple can be set)
Shenlong requires a name, namespace, and secret. You can have multiple secrets. When passing in a secret, please do so in the following format secret:value
. The semicolon seperates the key to value. This will write to the kube value as secret = value
in the yaml string.
The Delete flag will delete the secret file based off the namespace and name you pass in the CLI. Shenlong will use your CURRENT KUBECTL CONTEXT to delete the secret, and regenerate the secret file. This is useful, since you have to blow out a secret to update it.
shenlong [master●] % ./target/debug/shenlong --namespace=test-space --secret pilot:Heero --secret gundam:Wing --name=my-gundam-secret | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: my-gundam-secret
namespace: test-space
type: Opaque
pilot: SGVlcm8=
gundam: V2luZw==
As you can see, the secrets get base64 encoded for you. As of right now if you dont pipe shenlong to the kubectl apply -f - command, you will just get a representation of the yaml file printed out to stdout.
I plan on adding Cloud Service Support, such as passing in --cloud=AWS. This way Shenlong would be available to deploy secrets from CI services such as CIRCLE or TRAVIS. If you are running in the machine executor, and you are trying to talk to AWS EKS, you may have to use the heptio-IAM-AUTHENTICATOR to do so. I plan on building the authentication into shenlong in the future.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.