You can also use this engine to create your game too, just empty the arrays in self.objs which is in the file
Year: 2021
"December 9 21:39": Inventory system part 1 -> "Frontend"
"December 9 21:39": Inventory system part 2 -> "Click and Grab System part 1"
"December 10 19:35": Inventory system part 3 -> "Click and Grab System 95% complete"
"December 12 23:02": Inventory system part 4 -> "ItemMenu 75% completed (button system added in it)"
"December 13 18:35": Training pixel art...
"December 15 20:02": Making a spritesheet...
"December 21 23:54": I just went through a burnout, as I had a lot of difficulty drawing sprites at first, but I'm doing well (in my opinion), take a look at /res/practice_2.png
"January 10 20:10": I returned to the project, sprite animation -> "Player animations 75% completed"
TODO File: open
by © @erikfritas