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esinkarahan authored Jul 3, 2019
1 parent 1900edb commit fa2fd58
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Showing 8 changed files with 478 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added AlgorithmTensorRegression.pdf
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions codes/calculateEigenValueA.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
function opts = calculateEigenValueA(A,szy,Ny,opts)
% Calculates the Eigenvalue Decomposition of the N dimensional tensor A,
% asuming it is used as a design matrix in a regression problem.
% PROPACK package from is used for
% fast SVD calculation.
% A : N dimensional tensor to be decomposed
% szy : size of the observation tensor
% Ny : Number of dimensions of the observation tensor
% opts : several parameters for the algorithm, check
% tensorRegressionCPpenSL.m for more info
% opts: the resulting eigenvectors and eigenvalues are stored in the fields
% A.V and A.ev respectively
% Version 1 - May 2015

% This is required to use Propack functions
global AA
global Afunc;
% Find the fastest way for matrix multiplication in Matlab
AA = sprand(10,10,0.1);
forwardType = findBestMultiply(AA,.2);
Afunc = sprintf('AforwardTen_%d',forwardType);

cmoda = opts.cmoda;
cmodx = opts.cmodx;

sza = size(A); Na = ndims(A);

Nx = length(cmodx) + (Ny-(Na-length(cmoda)));
szx(cmodx) = sza(cmoda);
szx((cmodx(end)+1):Nx) = setdiff(szy,sza(setdiff(1:Na,cmoda)));

cmodat = length(cmoda)+1:Na; % contraction modes for A'A
cmody = 1:length(cmodat); % contraction modes for A'Y

At = permute(A,[cmoda setdiff(1:Na,cmoda)]);

if prod(sza(cmody))>=prod(sza(cmoda))
AtA = contractTensor(At,A,cmodat,cmody,'m');
AtA = contractTensor(A,At,cmoda,cmodx,'m');

AA = AtA;
[V,ev] = laneig(Afunc,size(AA,1),size(AA,1),'LM');

% To use Matlab builtin function eig replace laneig with this line
% [V,ev] = eig(AtA);
ev = diag(ev);
[ev,ind] = sort(ev,'descend');
V = V(:,ind);
r = sum(ev>0);
ev = ev(1:r);
V = V(:,1:r);

opts.A.V = V;
opts.A.ev= ev;

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions codes/contractTensor.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
function C = contractTensor(a,b,adims,bdims,varargin)
% tensor tensor contraction
% C = TTT(a,b,adims,bdims) computes the contracted product of
% tensors a and b in the dimensions specified by the row vectors
% adims and bdims. The sizes of the dimensions specified by adims
% and bdims must match; that is, size(a,adims) must equal
% size(b,bdims).
% opts: 't' result is returned as tensor
% 'm' result is returned as matrix
% Modified ttt function of Tensor Toolbox of Kolda et. al.
% MATLAB Tensor Toolbox.
% Copyright 2010, Sandia Corporation.

if nargin >4
opts = varargin{1};
opts = 't';

A = matricize(a,adims,'t');
B = matricize(b,bdims);
tsiz = [A.tsize(A.rindices) B.tsize(B.cindices)];
rindices = 1:length(A.rindices);
cindices = (1:length(B.cindices)) + length(A.rindices);
C = *;

if opts == 't'
order = [rindices,cindices];
data = reshape(C, [tsiz(order) 1 1]);
if numel(order) >= 2
C = ipermute(data,order);
C = data;


78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions codes/findBestMultiply.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
function [forwardType,transposeType,details] = findBestMultiply(A,T)
% [forwardType,transposeType] = findBestMultiply(A)
% does a speed test to determine what the fastest routine
% for sparse matrix multiplication is, for the matrix A.
% ... = findBestMultiply(A,T)
% tries to make each test last T seconds (there are a 6 tests total)
% The fastest routine will depend on the verson of Matlab, the
% computer OS, the cpu type (dual core? etc.), and the particular
% size and structure of the matrix.
% Stephen Becker,, 3/14/09

% 5/13/09, smvp now handles complex data, so modify this accordingly

if nargin < 2, T = 1; end

At = A';
x = randn(size(A,2),1);
y = randn(size(A,1),1);
if ~isreal(A)
x = x + 1i*randn(size(A,2),1);
y = y + 1i*randn(size(A,1),1);

% how many times to repeat the test?
tic; A'*y; t = toc;

% if we want each test to last say, T, seconds, then...
nIter = max( 1, round(T/t) );

% -- for the forward multiply --

% -- Method 1: use standard MATLAB
tic; for i = 1:nIter, A*x; end; t1 = toc;

% -- Method 2: use transpose trick (works best in new versions)
tic; for i = 1:nIter, At'*x; end; t2 = toc;

% % -- Method 3: simple mex file
% try
% tic; for i = 1:nIter, smvp(A,x); end; t3 = toc;
% catch
% l = lasterror;
% fprintf('Error thrown: %s\n',l.message);
% disp('findBestMultiply: Sorry, this probably means the smvp mex file\n\t is not installed');
% disp('Try compiling it with: mex -O smvp.c in the "private" subdirectory');
% t3 = Inf;
% end

% [m,forwardType] = min( [t1,t2,t3] );
[m,forwardType] = min( [t1,t2] );
if nargout > 2, details = [t1,t2,t3]; end

% -- for the transpose multiply --

% -- Method 1: use standard MATLAB
tic; for i = 1:nIter, At*y; end; t1 = toc;

% -- Method 2: use transpose trick (works best in new versions)
tic; for i = 1:nIter, A'*y; end; t2 = toc;

% % -- Method 3: simple mex file
% try
% tic; for i = 1:nIter, smvp(At,y); end; t3 = toc;
% catch
% % disp('Sorry, smvp mex file not installed');
% t3 = Inf;
% end
% [m,transposeType] = min( [t1,t2,t3] );
% if nargout > 2, details = [details,[t1,t2,t3] ]; end
[m,transposeType] = min( [t1,t2] );
if nargout > 2, details = [details,[t1,t2] ]; end

185 changes: 185 additions & 0 deletions codes/initializeFactor.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
function U = initializeFactor(X,R,opts)
% Initialization methods for tensor decomposition
% X : N dimensional tensor
% R : number of components or model order of PARAFAC
% opts : structure containing the information
% opts.nn -> vector for nonnegativity constraint on the factors
% opts.init -> methods to initialize: random, nvecs, nn-svd (default random)
% Every factor can be initizalized with a different method
% by making opts.init a cell array.
% opts.initmethod -> option for nn-svd function: mean, rand (default rand)
% References:
% o MATLAB Tensor Toolbox. Copyright 2012, Sandia Corporation.
% o Boutsidis,"SVD based initialization: A head start for
% nonnegative matrix factorization", 2008
% Version 1 - May 2015

% take the dimensions of the tensor
szx = size(X);
N = length(szx);
U = cell(N,1);
try nonnegative = opts.nonnegative;
catch, nonnegative = opts.nn; end

if ~isfield(opts,'init')
opts.init = 'random';

% make the opts.init as cell array if it is not
if ~iscell(opts.init)
temp = cell(N,1);
for n = 1:N
temp{n} = opts.init;
opts.init = temp;

% loop over all factors
for n = 1:N
switch lower(opts.init{n})
case 'random'
if nonnegative(n)
U{n} = posrandn(szx(n),R);
U{n} = randn(szx(n),R);
case 'nvecs'
if nonnegative(n)
fprintf('This method may give real factors \n');
fprintf('We will force them to be nonnegative by taking absolute value \n');
U{n} = nvecs(X,n,R);
U{n} = abs(U{n});
U{n} = nvecs(X,n,R);
case 'nn-svd'
fprintf('This method will give NN factor \n');
if ~isfield(opts,'initmethod')
opts.initmethod = 'mean';
U{n} = cp_svd_init(X,n,R,opts);

for n = 1:N
U{n} = scaleFactor(U{n});

% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

function U = cp_svd_init(X,n,R,opts)

% Start nonnegative tensor factorization by using an svd-based initialization method
% which gives nonnegative factor matrices

% Ref: Boutsidis,"SVD based initialization: A head start for
% nonnegative matrix factorization", 2008
% If X is dense, fill the zero values in the inital factors with
% opts.initmethod: 'mean' values of the tensor or
% 'rand' uniform random values from [0,mean(X(:))/100]

szx = size(X);
N = length(szx);
U = zeros(szx(n),R);
Xn = permute(X,[n 1:n-1,n+1:N]);
Xn = reshape(Xn,szx(n),prod(szx([1:n-1 n+1:N])));

[LV,D,RV] = svds(Xn,R,'L');
d = diag(D);

for j = 1:R
% left sv
x = LV(:,j);
xp = (x>=0).*x;
xn = (x<0).*(-x);
xpnrm = sqrt(sum(xp.^2));
xnnrm = sqrt(sum(xn.^2));
% right sv
y = RV(:,j);
yp = (y>=0).*y;
yn = (y<0).*(-y);
ypnrm = sqrt(sum(yp.^2));
ynnrm = sqrt(sum(yn.^2));
mp = xpnrm*ypnrm;
mn = xnnrm*ynnrm;
if mp>mn
u = xp/xpnrm;
sigma = mp;
u = xn/xnnrm;
sigma = mn;
U(:,j) = sqrt(d(j)*sigma)*u;

if strcmp(opts.initmethod,'mean')
U(U==0) = mean(Xn(:));

if strcmp(opts.initmethod,'rand')
U(U==0) = (mean(Xn(:))/100).*rand(Xn(:));


% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% From tensor toolbox
function u = nvecs(X,n,r)
% adapted from tensor toolbox
% @tensor/nvecs.m
% NVECS Compute the leading mode-n vectors for a tensor.
% U = NVECS(X,n,r) computes the r leading eigenvalues of Xn*Xn'
% (where Xn is the mode-n matricization of X), which provides
% information about the mode-n fibers. In two-dimensions, the r
% leading mode-1 vectors are the same as the r left singular vectors
% and the r leading mode-2 vectors are the same as the r right
% singular vectors.
% U = NVECS(X,n,r,OPTS) specifies opts:
% OPTS.eigsopts: options passed to the EIGS routine [struct('disp',0)]
% OPTS.flipsign: make each column's largest element positive [true]
%MATLAB Tensor Toolbox.
%Copyright 2012, Sandia Corporation.

% This is the MATLAB Tensor Toolbox by T. Kolda, B. Bader, and others.
% Copyright (2012) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
% DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive license for use of this
% work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government. Export of this data may
% require a license from the United States Government.
% The full license terms can be found in the file LICENSE.txt

szx = size(X);
N = length(szx);
Xn = permute(X,[n 1:n-1,n+1:N]);
Xn = reshape(Xn,szx(n),prod(szx([1:n-1 n+1:N])));

Y = Xn*Xn';

[u,d] = eigs(Y, r, 'LM', struct('disp',0));

flipsign = true;

if flipsign
for j = 1:r
negidx = u(:,j)<0;
isNegNormGreater = norm(u(negidx,j),'fro') > norm(u(~negidx,j),'fro');
if isNegNormGreater
u(:,j) = -u(:,j);


31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions codes/matricize.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
function Tm = matricize(T,varargin)
% Tm = TENMAT(T, RDIMS, CDIMS) creates a matrix representation of
% tensor T. The dimensions specified in RDIMS map to the rows of
% the matrix, and the dimensions specified in CDIMS map to the
% columns, in the order given.
% Modified tenmat function of Tensor Toolbox of Kolda et. al.
% MATLAB Tensor Toolbox.
% Copyright 2010, Sandia Corporation.

tsize = size(T);
n = ndims(T);
if nargin==2
tmp = true(1,n);
tmp(rdims) = false;
cdims = find(tmp);
cdims = varargin{1};
tmp = true(1,n);
tmp(cdims) = false;
rdims = find(tmp);

data = reshape(permute(T,[rdims cdims]), prod(tsize(rdims)), prod(tsize(cdims)));
Tm.tsize = tsize;
Tm.rindices = rdims;
Tm.cindices = cdims; = data;


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