This document is for the calibration of the Xiton Asus RGBD sensor
Follow the tutorial on ros openni wiki
The checker borad we used is 9x6 with square of 27 mm width.
rosrun camera_calibration image:=/camera/rgb/image_raw camera:=/camera/rgb --size 9x6 --square 0.027
rosrun camera_calibration image:=/camera/ir/image_raw camera:=/camera/ir --size 9x6 --square 0.027
First we need to know the ar tag position in the robot coordinate and sepcify that in config/ar_calib.yaml. If the setup is the same as the picture, the rotation is [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]. The translation is measured by moving the robot end effector to the tag and readt the end effector position.
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-ar-track-alvar
depth registration = true tf publication = true
roslaunch kinect_calibration yi_calibration.launch
Run the script that look up transformation. The transformation is going to be saved to base_camera_tf.yaml.
rosrun kinect_calinration
rosrun kinect_cibration