Overview :
The purpose of this project series is to show different architectures with different structures, and you can check these architectures and structures.
This project in
- MVP architecture : Current Repo
- MVVM architecture : https://github.com/ezatpanah/MVVM-TheMealdb-API [ Room Database - Dagger Hilt - Flow - Coroutine - LiveData]
- MVI architecture : https://github.com/ezatpanah/MVI-TheMealdb-API
The app was written in Kotlin.
TheMealDB API: An open, crowd-sourced database of Recipes from around the world. The API’s Docs: https://themealdb.com/api.php
Technologies and Libraries Used :
- Navigation Component
- View Binding
- Retrofit
- Dagger Hilt
- RxJava
- Room Database
- Coil
- Youtube API
- Lottie