This role is deprecated. Please use the role f500.php7, v1.0.0 or higher.
Install latest PHP fpm version in DotDeb repository
Debian Wheezy with the package python-pycurl and python-software-properties installed.
There are as many role variables as PHP.ini variables. All of them can be set, but the defaults are adjusted according to iniscan security best practices.
This package depends on f500.php7, and all the php_* variables are used as defaults for the php_fpm* variables.
Depends on f500.php.
- hosts: servers
- { role: f500.php7_fpm, php_fpm_error_reporting: "E_ALL" }
Copyright (C) 2017 Future500 B.V.
Jasper N. Brouwer,
Ramon de la Fuente,