🍽 Find and save a recipe with reciplease app
Reciplease is the app thats will help you cook nice plats in your everyday life. It will let you enter your ingredients left in your fridge and search for recipes. Recipes that you can save in your app favorite page and have access offline.
I had to build an app with two pages for Openclassrooms.
Reciplease is written in Swift 5 and supports iOS 13.0+. Built with Xcode 11.
I decided to deal with this app with a MVVM with Coordinator architectural pattern.
As activity indicator i use NVActivityIndicatorView, for a better Swift Style SwiftLint, to save recipe for offline use CoreData and Alamofire for an elegant HTTP Networking in Swift. I use CocoaPods as dependency manager.
Run git@github.com:fabricetiennette/Reciplease.git
Run pod install
Open Reciplease.xcworkspace
Build & Run 🔥