Create a webpage with a todo list. The todo site can be accessed here.
Clone this repository
$ git clone
Change directory into the cloned repository install all package dependendcies
$ npm install
Run the tests
$ node test.js
The todo app can be used by opening the index.html file in the browser or by clicking this link.
As a disorganised person I want to:
- enter tasks I need to do into a web page so that I don't forget them.
- view the tasks I have added in a list so that I can plan my day.
- mark tasks as complete so that I can focus on the tasks I have left.
- the to-dos to be large enough so that I don't hit the wrong one with my thumb.
- enable editing of todo list
- order function (name/date)
- make it look beautiful with CSS
- time limit with alert
This is how we will split up the tasks to complete the todo app.
- Create new repository with readme and copied skeleton files.
- As a group read through the skeleton files and try our best to understand the code.
- Create the three pure functions using TDD
- addTodo
- markTodo
- deleteTodo
- ensure all tests pass
- ensure all members of the team understand the code
- Create the app using the functions made in part one
- Make a new function createTodoNode
- camelCase for class names and variables
- indentation one tab (two spaces)
- always pair programming, using ping pong when doing TDD