To check out the app, Please clone this Repository.
git clone
Install all the Node dependencies
npm install
Run start
npm run devStart
We want to build a web application so the students of FACN2 can-
- Rate Mentors on Categories: eg. Hair
- See percentage of how much the mentor got rating for one Category.
- See Questions so you can vote based on the category.
- Click on the Mentors Pictures to choose the one who is better according to the question.
- There are many fun Categories you can rate mentors on.
- enabling score table for voting.
- choose Category to vote on for the mentor.
- adding a timer for every question.
id | name | imageUrl |
1 | Mario | Mario's picture |
2 | Shireen | Shireen's picture |
id | category | question |
1 | hair | who's hair is better? |
2 | singing | who's singing is better? |
id | mentor_id | rating | Shireen | Mario |
1 | 2 | 14 | 4 | 0 |
2 | 1 | 10 | 0 | 5 |
- CamelCase for variable names and snake_case for CSS classes
- Comments for code clarification
- Sole use of arrow-functions on backend
- id's for javascript
- classes for CSS
- Make small commits
- Ensure all team members understand the code
- Wait for Mario Merging the pull request.
- Always Communicate and have fun.
- Creating the Skeleton Files.
- Establish it on Heroku.
- Creating the Database Locally.