Get the full set of cards from any(MAIN, MINI, STRUCTURE DECK) released box on Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS.
- puppeteer
💻 System requirements
🔄 Clone repository
git clone
🏁 Install and start the scrapper
pnpm install
pnpm build
pnpm dev
Use this package
// language required to get boxes list.
const boxesList = await getBoxesList('en');
// language and prefix url box required to get the set of cards.
const heroRisingBox = await getBoxSet('en', 'sd-hero_rising/');
English and Japanese Box Set examples
├── .vscode # VSCode settings and recommended extensions.
├── docs # Documentation files.
├── dev # Dev enviroment.
├── src # Source files.
If you are interested, give it a read