Lightweight and easy to use iOS library to make the user familiar with your app.
It requires a view and a text and an optional tag so you won't have to worry about presentation next time, it will use the tag to set a flag on User Defaults. You can present it multiple times after each other, since it has a queueing mechanism and you will not get UIViewController
presentation error.
KLFUserInterfaceGuide is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'KLFUserInterfaceGuide'
import KLFUserInterfaceGuide
On your viewController
call presentUserInterfaceGuide
Simplest way to use:
// view: The view you are going to show guide for
// message: The message to show also can be `NSAttributedString`
presentUserInterfaceGuide(view: self.subview, message: "This is very beginning message!!!")
Also provides some presentation options:
// tag: will force the guide to show once not providing tag will present the guide every time
// dismissWhenTapedOutside: default behavior forces user to tap inside the box set this property to true so the guide will dismiss by tapping outside.
// decision: is '(CGPoint) -> Bool' closure passes the touchpoint of user in coordinate of view if return true means touchpoints is where it should be and guide will dismiss if false noting happens
// completion: will call after the completion of `UIViewController.dismiss()` called
self.presentUserInterfaceGuide(view: subView, message: "This is very begining message!!!", tag: "view1", dismissWhenTapedOutside: true,
decision: { point in
if self.subView.frame.contains(point) {
return true
return false
}, completion: {
You can set configuration everywhere but best place is didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
in AppDelegate
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
var config = KLFUserInterfaceGuide.config
//alpa of background of the guide
config.alpha = 0.8
//color of background of the guide
config.background = .blue
//margin of the box over the view
config.rectMargin = 10
//radius of the box over the view
config.rectRadius = 10
//font of the message
config.font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
//alignment of the message
config.textAlignment = .natural
KLFUserInterfaceGuide.config = config
KLFUserInterfaceGuide is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.