- This is a Responsive MERN-Stack web applications for motorcycle parts repair.
- In this site user can take our service, see his order list & reviews our site.
- If user want any services he must be authenticate with google or facebook.
- In this site i implement stripe payment gateway. Without payment he/she can't take our service.
- User can also cancelled his order. But he/she can't cancel his first order. If he/she want to cancel his order he need to order more then one services.
- There is a admin panel where admin can add more admins, add more services, update order condition of users. Admin can also delete any services & reviews.
- There is also a test admin. Where you can add service & change the order condition of any user.
- Test admin can't add more admin, delete core 6 services & our users reviews. But test admin can delete his added services.
- React.JS
- Javascript
- React Router Dom
- Firebase Authentication
- React Hook From
- React Bootstrap
- CSS3
- Node.Js
- Express.JS
- MongoDB
- Git
- GitHub
- Dotenv