At Moringa school you create a lot of projects (IPs, Mid-week projects) but you never know how those projects rate with your peers.
User stories As a user, I would like to:
- View posted projects and their details.
- Post a project to be rated/reviewed.
- Rate/ review other users' projects.
- Search for projects.
- View projects overall score.
- View my profile page.
Behaviour | Input | Output |
On loading the app you see the landing page with login up form with a register link at the bottom of the form. | Clicking sign up . |
You are redirected to a page where you enter your details and sign up then redirected to the login page. |
Enter your username and password on the login page. | Clicking login . |
You are redirected to a page where all the projects are visible. |
Clicking any project's landing_page. | Mouse click. | You are redirected to a page showing just the project you clicked. |
Clicking RATE PROJECT button. |
Mouse click. | You are redirected to a page with a from where you fill your ratings under content, design and usability in the range of 1 to 10. |
Clicking VISIT SITE button. |
Mouse click. | You are redirected to the project's website. |
Clicking the New Project link on the navbar. |
Mouse click. | You are redirected to a page where you enter the details of your project then post. |
Clicking the Profile link on the navbar. |
Mouse click. | You are redirected to a page where you can view your profile or create your profile if you didn't have any. |
To get the project .......
cd gallery pipenv install -r requirements.txt
- python3 -m venv virtual - source virtual/bin/activate
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
SetUp your database User,Password, Host then make migrate
python makemigrations gallery
Now Migrate
python migrate
python runserver
python test
Open the application on your browser
- Python3.6
- Django 2.2.9
- Heroku
- [Git](for version control)
- There are no known bugs currently,though i encountered many of it during deployment,but i finally managed
call me on
MIT License Copyright (c) [2020] [Joseph Nganga]