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A React component for Instagram like stories


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What's new in v2? 🚀

  • Render your own components/JSX in stories
  • Create multiple instances to recreate stories by multiple users easily, jump to stories using props
  • Prop based control, event callbacks
  • Custom JSX gives control to pause/play story
  • (for devs) TypeScript 🎉
  • (for devs) Updated for easier feature additions, hooks

Demo screenshot


npm install --save react-insta-stories


The component responds to actions like tap on right side for next story, on left for previous and tap and hold for pause. Custom time duration for each story can be provided. See it in action here:


import React, { Component } from 'react';

import Stories from 'react-insta-stories';

const App = () => {
	return (

Here stories is an array of story objects, which can be of various types as described below.


Property Type Default Description
stories [String/Object] required An array of image urls or array of story objects (options described below)
defaultInterval Number 1200 Milliseconds duration for which a story persists
loader Component Ripple loader A loader component as a fallback until image loads from url
header Component Default header as in demo A header component which sits at the top of each story. It receives the header object from the story object. Data for header to be sent with each story object.
width Number 360 Width of the component in pixels
height Number 640 Height of the component in pixels
storyStyles Object none Override the default story styles mentioned below.
loop Boolean false The last story loop to the first one and restart the stories.
New props ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
isPaused Boolean false Toggle story playing state
currentIndex Number undefined Set the current story index
onStoryStart Function - Callback when a story starts
onStoryEnd Function - Callback when a story ends
onAllStoriesEnd Function - Callback when all stories in the array have ended

Story object

Instead of simple string url, a comprehensive 'story object' can also be passed in the stories array.

Property Description
url The url of the resource, be it image or video.
duration Optional. Duration for which a story should persist.
header Optional. Adds a header on the top. Object with heading, subheading and profileImage properties.
seeMore Optional. Adds a see more icon at the bottom of the story. On clicking, opens up this component. (v2: updated to Function instead of element)
type Optional. To distinguish a video story. type: 'video' is necessary for a video story.
styles Optional. Override the default story styles mentioned below.

Default story styles

Following are the default story content styles. Override them by providing your own style object with each story or a global override by using the storyStyles prop.

storyContent: {
    width: 'auto',
    maxWidth: '100%',
    maxHeight: '100%',
    margin: 'auto'

Common Usage

1. Basic implementation with string URLs

If you wish to have a bare minimum setup and only need to show image stories, you can simply pass the image urls inside the stories array. This will show all your images as stories.

import Stories from 'react-insta-stories';

const stories = [

return () => <Stories stories={stories} />;

2. Customising stories

If plain images does not suffice your usecase, you can pass an object instead of a string. This object supports all the properties mentioned above in the section story object. While using the object type, use url to denote the source url in case of media.

These properties can be mixed in different ways to obtain desired output.


Each story can be set to have a different duration.

const stories = [
		url: '',
		duration: 5000,

Adds a header to the story.

const stories = [
		url: '',
		duration: 5000,
		header: {
			heading: 'Mohit Karekar',
			subheading: 'Posted 30m ago',
			profileImage: '',
See More

Adds a click to see more option at the bottom of the story. When present, shows the arrow at the bottom and when clicked, shows the provided component.

const stories = [
		url: '',
		duration: 5000,
		seeMore: SeeMore, // some component
		url: '',
		duration: 2000,
		seeMore: ({ close }) => {
			return <div onClick={close}>Hello, click to close this.</div>;

If provided type: video, then the component loads a video player. All expected features come in automatically. Duration is ignored, if provided and actual video duration is considered.

const stories = [
		url: '',
		duration: 5000, // ignored
		type: 'video',

Override default story element styles. Regular style object can be provided.

3. Custom JSX as a story

You can render custom JSX inside a story by sending a content property inside the story object. If a content property is present, all other media related properties are ignored. duration holds true here.

const stories = [
		content: (props) => (
			<div style={{ background: 'pink', padding: 20 }}>
				<h1 style={{ marginTop: '100%', marginBottom: 0 }}>🌝</h1>
				<h1 style={{ marginTop: 5 }}>A custom title can go here.</h1>

The content property can hold any React component. For further control, it receives two important props:

  • action It allows you to fire play/pause actions.
  • isPaused Holds true is the story is currently paused, false otherwise.
const stories = [
		content: ({ action, isPaused }) => {
			useEffect(() => {
				setTimeout(() => {
					setTimeout(() => {
					}, 2000);
				}, 2000);
			}, []);
			return (
				<div style={{ background: 'pink', padding: 20 }}>
					<h1 style={{ marginTop: '100%', marginBottom: 0 }}>🌝</h1>
					<h1>{isPaused ? 'Paused' : 'Playing'}</h1>

In the code above, on render a timeout will be set which would fire a 'pause' action after 2 seconds. Again after 2 seconds, a 'play' action would be fired. In the JSX, isPaused is used to display the current play state.


To develop this package locally, you can follo these steps:

  1. Clone the repo to your local.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Then cd example && npm install
  4. Come back to the root directory cd ..
  5. Run npm start
  6. In a new command window/tab, run npm run example.

This will start a hot-reloading setup with a live example.

Websites using react-insta-stories

Do you use react-insta-stories too? Raise a PR to include your site in this list!


This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.


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MIT © mohitk05


A React component for Instagram like stories







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  • TypeScript 59.6%
  • JavaScript 32.7%
  • CSS 7.7%