This repository contains the selectable-score React component, a wrapper around a MELD score component that allows for selection of score elements via click-and-drag, built using the DragSelect node module.
The MELD score is itself a wrapper around the Verovio MEI engraver supporting the incorporation of Linked Data (e.g. Web Annotations).
This component is intended to serve various score-centric applications of the TROMPA project.
To use the component in your project:
import SelectableScore from 'selectable-score/dist/selectable-score';
If your application requires paging through the score, additionally import the following:
import NextPageButton from 'selectable-score/dist/next-page-button';
import PrevPageButton from 'selectable-score/dist/prev-page-button';
The <SelectableScore>
component accepts the following props:
(optional): a JSON object containing layout options to pass on to Verovio. More information on Verovio options here. If not specified, uses these defaults:
scale: 45,
adjustPageHeight: 1,
pageHeight: 2500,
pageWidth: 2200,
footer: "none",
unit: 6
(optional): specifies the CSS selector used by DragSelect for click-and-drag selections. Any valid CSS selector acceptable; if not specified, defaults to.note
. -
(required): a callback to your application's selection handler.
The <NextPageButton>
and <PrevPageButton>
components are simple interaction wrappers that attach a click handler for MELD-score-based paging to any HTML (JSX) elements you care to provide -- typically, "Next page" and "Previous page" buttons. They accept the following props:
(optional): Your JSX content for the button. This could be as simple as<span>Next page</span>
. Note that you can attach your own click handlers if your application requires actions beyond the page turn itself to occur on button click -- but don't stop the click event's propagation (event.stopPropagation), or the page won't turn. Failure to supply buttonContent will result in an empty component. -
(required): Your MEI file's URI.
This repository also contains a minimal example React application integrating the selectable-score component. To run it, clone this repository, then:
cd selectable-score
npm install
npm start
Now point your web browser at https://localhost:8080. Wait a few moments for Verovio to render the score.
Click and drag to select MEI elements (in this example, notes); hold down shift or ctrl to select discontinuous regions.
Paging is currently very slow. We're working on improving this, through MELD optimisations and potentially by running Verovio as a Web Worker (work in progress!)
For more information on TROMPA see the TROMPA website and the following paper:
For more information on MELD see the MELD metarepository and these papers: