A simple and stupid Telegram BOT that uses Artificial Intelligence to select the best HXL tag for your project.
This Telegram BOT is an application of an expert system, which is software that has the function of simulating the knowledge of an expert in a very specific area. This expert system was based on a json-encoded knowledge HXL base.
The Humanitarian Exchange Language (HXL) is a simple, hashtag-based standard that humanitarian-crisis responders can use to add interoperable information to spreadsheets and similar data. The responses generated by this script is an interactive chooser that helps IM workers to choose the most-accurate and interoperable hashtags.
The latest chooser is available online at
@HXL_hashtag_chooser_bot on Telegram
- NodeJS (Tested in version 12.16.1)
- Telegram BOT Token
docker container run -d --restart unless-stopped --name hxl -e BOT_TELEGRAM_TOKEN=abcdefgh123456789 -v hxl-hashtag-chooser-data:/usr/src/app/db/ felintodev/hxl-hashtag-chooser-bot
Access the folder where the files are and build the docker image.
docker build -t hxl-hashtag-chooser-bot .
Start the container with your Telegram BOT Token.
docker container run -d --restart unless-stopped --name hxl -e BOT_TELEGRAM_TOKEN=abcdefgh123456789 hxl-hashtag-chooser-bot
git clone [project URL here]
cd project-folder
Edit the .env.example file with your credentials and rename it to .env Install the necessary modules with NPM.
npm install
Start the server
npm start
(Optional) You can test the development environment with the nodemon
npm run dev
The knowledge base for the chooser is in the file src/data/hxl-knowledge-base.json. Instructions on updating it will come soon.
This project was based on the hxl-hashtag-chooser done by @davidmegginson. I also thank @fititnt for his tips and advice and for helping me in the elaboration of this project.
This program is licensed under the GPL license. Derived works must handle the GPL license as well. If you don't agree, try a non-GPL alternative. A copy of the GPL license is included in the license.txt file.