It's not a contest but a challenge to make yourself acquire the habit to code every day, keeping the constancy and getting better day by day.
- #01 - Create a repository with all 21 challenges
- #02 - Custom Hello World (font, colors and images)
- #03 - Animated Button
- #04 - Calculator
- #05 - 404 error page
- #06 - Card Glass effect
- #07 - Contador
- #08 - Toggle dark mode
- #09 - Progress Bar animation
- #10 - Particle.js lib
- #11 - Form Layout
- #12 - Image Galery
- #13 - Responsive menu
- #14 - Quiz
- #15 - Create an e-commerce landing page
- #16 - Create an web application consuming a public API
- #17 - Create a application that captures keyboards events and show it on screen
- #18 - Create an application that generates random passwords
- #19 - Develop an web application that generates random images from Unsplash API
- #20 - Develop an web application that displays emoji and allow it to copy when clicked
- #21 - Make a Portfolio
#21diasdecodigo #rocketseat #soumarmiteiro