49er Game Jam November 2019. The humans are not robots, come on in!
- Create a server like an Amazon EC2 instance
- AMI: Deep Learning AMI (Ubutnu 16.04) Version 25.0 has been tested
- Recc. g4dn.xlarge (on 11.7.2019 in my favorite region it's 0.52USD/hr)
- Open port 80 to http traffic incoming and ssh traffic incoming on 22.
- OPTIONAL: Open port 8080 to ping gpt2 server directly. Note that there's an endpoint we open up through port 80 to run prompts through gpt2 and the pickup line cropper already, so it's not useful outside of testing the 8080 server itself.
- Log into it over SSH
- One liner:
- run
git clone https://github.com/fenceFoil/FindRealHumansNearYouGame.git && cd FindRealHumansNearYouGame/server_scripts/ && ./server_setup.sh && ./build_app_dist.sh && ./monitor.sh
- run
- Mostly Automated Steps (Same as One Liner)
- run
git clone https://github.com/fenceFoil/FindRealHumansNearYouGame.git
- run
cd FindRealHumansNearYouGame/server_scripts/
- run
- run
(Builds the app into static files) - run
(original script) or./monitor.sh
(for split_planel dashboard)
- run
- run
cd FindRealHumansNearYouGame/server_scripts/
- run
(will force pull latest and rebuild vue app's dist - run
as needed
- force pull latest and rebuild vue app's static dist files -
- Split terminal dashboard for monitoring servers -
- Install all base dependencies including vue app's npm dependencies -
- stop all servers automatically -
Manually build static app files:
- Nav to 'app/findrealhumansapp'
npm install
npm run build
- Copy
Okay, so the above works for the server app.
To connect a hot reloading dev client to a server running in AWS:
Go to /app/src/findrealhumansapp/
in this repo and run npm run serve
. Then uncomment the URL setting line in main.js
and set it to the URL of your AWS server.
There's probably a way to do this automatically depending on whether you're running your Vue app in prod or dev.
We have a Postman collection you can import which hits most of the endpoints in the server. Look for it in the repo.