=== Turtlecoin WooCommerce Extension ===
Contributors: Fexra
Donate: TRTLuzAzNs1E1RBFhteX56A5353vyHuSJ5AYYQfoN97PNbcMDvwQo4pUWHs7SYpuD9ThvA7AD3r742kwTmWh5o9WFaB9JXH8evP
Tags: turtlecoin, woocommerce, integration, payment, merchant, cryptocurrency, accept turtlecoin, turtlecoin woocommerce
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv3 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Turtlecoin WooCommerce Extension is a Wordpress plugin that allow merchants to accept Turtlecoins are payments at WooCommerce-powered online stores.
== Description ==
Your online store must use WooCommerce platform (free wordpress plugin). Once you installed and activated WooCommerce, you may install and activate Turtlecoin WooCommerce Extension.
= Benefits =
- Accept payment directly into your personal Turtlecoin wallet.
- Accept payment in Turtlecoin for physical and digital downloadable products.
- Add Turtlecoin payments option to your existing online store with alternative main currency.
- Automatic conversion to Turtlecoin via realtime exchange rate feed and calculations.
== Installation ==
- Install "Turtlecoin WooCommerce Gateway" ZIP file in Wordpress just like any other plugin.
- Activate
- Configure it with your wallet RPC address, (username or password not requested), your Turtlecoin address
- Profit
== Remove plugin ==
- Deactivate plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
- Delete plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
== Screenshots ==
- Turtlecoin Checkout Gateway
- Turtlecoin Options
== Changelog ==
= 0.1 =
- Release!
== Upgrade Notice ==
== Frequently Asked Questions ==