Run ruby code via JRuby on AWS Lambda (java)
This is a Dockerized gradle project for packaging a Ruby project into a zip file for execution in AWS Lambda using the Java 8 runtime.
- Create a ruby project in a directory
- The project directory should contain a
for any external libraries you are using- This file may be blank
- The project directory should contain a
ruby file which will be the entrypoint for the lambda- The main file may look something like this:
- The project directory should contain a
BASE_DIRECTORY = File.realpath(File.dirname(__FILE__)).to_s
# Add current directory to the path
# Require everything in lib
Dir["#{BASE_DIRECTORY}/lib/**/*.rb"].sort.each { |file| require file.sub("#{BASE_DIRECTORY}/", '').chomp('.rb') }
# rubocop:disable Style/GlobalVars
def main$lambda_arg).perform
rescue => e
puts "Lambda execution failed: Error #{e.inspect}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
# rubocop:enable Style/GlobalVars
# Only run the main function if the file has been called directly
main if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__
- Add any other ruby code you need
- The directory structure might look something like this:
|-- my_ruby_lambda
|-- Gemfile
|-- main.rb
|-- lib
|-- awesome_sauce.rb
|-- ...
- Build
in the project directorydocker run -v my_ruby_lambda:/usr/src/code firespring/aws-lambda-jruby
Create an AWS Lambda fuction on AWS
- Use an appropriate name
- Set the runtime to
Java 8
- Set an appropriate role for the lambda
Upload the lambda function code
- Code entry type should be
.ZIP file
- Runtime should be
Java 8
- Set the handler value to
- Click
- Save your changes
- Code entry type should be
You can now run your lambda
- NOTE: The first time your lambda runs it may take up to 60 seconds to execute
- (subsequent executions should be sufficiently fast)