ERMA Koans intend to help your learn how to best use ERMA to get data out of your application efficiently.
- Get the Koans. Either:
- Download and unarchive the contents of the most recent java-koans in development from:
- or, clone the repo with :
git clone
- Open a terminal and cd to the directory you unarchived or cloned:
cd <the directory you just unarchived or cloned>
- Within it you'll find:
- koans: this directory contains the application and its lessons, it is all that is needed to advance through the koans themselves and it can be distributed independently
- Change directory to the koans directory:
cd koans
- If you are using windows enter:
if you are using Mac or Linux.
- Follow any of the existing koans as an example to create a new class with koan methods (indicated by the @Koan annotation, they're public and specify no arguments)
- Define the order the koan suite (if it's new) will run in the koans/app/config/PathToEnlightenment.xml file
- Optionally you may use dynamic content in your lesson, examples are located in the XmlVariableInjector class (and Test) and the file
- If the koans app is constantly timing out compiling a koan, your computer may be too slow to compile the koan classes with the default timeout value. Update the compile_timeout_in_ms property in koans/app/config/ with a larger value and try again.
- If you're running the koans command with the class and/or method arguments, the app may hang if the class you saved won't compile. Until this is fixed, when you you suspect this is occuring revert to a state the file compiled and try again.
- This is built off the framework developed by Mat Bentley for java-koans. If you don't know Java, that is a good place to get started.