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Teia Multisig wallets

github-actions[bot] edited this page Aug 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

use to see the wallets that currently hold the keys to the multisig wallets/contracts. and for more info about the voting proposals, parameters, etc.

To create your own multisg you can use

For more info about the multisig smartcontract read the multisig documentation

Main Multisig: Core Team Multisig/Teia DAO/Treasury

KT1J9FYz29RBQi1oGLw8uXyACrzXzV1dHuvb (on tzkt)

The main governance contract for Teia until the DAO contracts will be official owners of the LLC. This mutisig should always have at least 11 members and should reflect the most active Teia contributors. This Multisig is also the admin of the Teia marketplace smart contract. It will also be Teias Treasury wallet.

this multisig has its dedicated UI. Members use it to vote with the multisig and anyone can check the votes and members on it:

the core team will use this contract to manage fees, the marketplace contract and vote on roles within the Teia DAO LLC there is also a dedicated voting tool for the core team here:

Cross Marketplace Collab Multisig

KT1CD8gUhrkyfpSxGgxrXheszcC6GvEMVBJD (on tzkt)

Please dont donate to this wallet!

Multisig signed by diverse representatoives from different tezos marketplaces. Currently used for handling shared charity funds, can potentially be used for more collaboratiions/initiatives in the future.

Donation addresses

Teia Fountain

KT1EsvmkijLKPQmcJMbjDeKRXdwky1LWvwpG (on tzkt)

Fountain Squad Multisig address, can be used for donations towards the fountain. Funds will be used to fund new artists that need their first tezos to start minting.

Representatives Donation wallet

KT1TGJGjh9oMntcny4J7eVn1NDPgCXimHqss (on tzkt)

This is an intermediate Multisig wallet for gathering donations for community/equity representatives. It will probably be replaced by the DAO rep multisig at the Teia DAO Launch. Donations will go towards events and work for underrepresented communities and equity for the tezos art ecosystem.

Donation Address for Pakistan Initiative:

KT1Jpf2TAcZS7QfBraQMBeCxjFhH6kAdDL4z (on tzkt)

Admin: Cross Marketplace Collab Multisig

Funds donated to this address will be donated to the Orgs specified on the Initiatives article

Donation Address for Tezos4Iran

KT1KYfj97fpdomqyKsZSBdSVvh9afh93b4Ge (on

Admin: Main Teia Multisg

Currently, only withdraws to (tz2XPwV4gWN5oereTidtqMvn9KDZtyph41WC, Gemini wallet). All funds sent to this gemini wallet will be ramped off to United 4 Iran. The address is handled by SimonSays of Crypto for Charity

more info: Tezos4Iran Wiki Article

Legacy Setups

Initial teia Multisig (outdated)

KT1PKBTVmdxfgkFvSeNUQacYiEFsPBw16B4P (on tzkt)

Was set up to manage Teias marketplace contract and other smartcontracts and is now replaced by the Teia Core Members Multisig (see above)

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