Practice project developing a personal portfolio in various languages and frameworks. Each milestone is a learning experience.
- HTML & CSS best practices: Correct use of tags, elements, properties and syntax.
- GitHub flow: Correct use of Branches for deployment and features development.
- Linters Check: Local and Pull Request check for errors, bugs and stylistic errors in code.
👤 Raul A Ospina
- GitHub: @raminka13
- Twitter: @raminka13
- LinkedIn: Raul Ospina
Setup and mobile version skeleton ✅
Mobile version ✅
Contact form (pair programming) ✅
Desktop version ✅
Application deploy ✅
Evaluate accessibility (pair programming) ✅
Mobile menu (pair programming) ⚙️🔩🛠 Current Milestone
Details modal (pair programming)
Validate contact form (pair programming)
Preserve data in the browser (pair programming)
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This project is MIT licensed.