Mappings Version Resolver is a maven plugin for resolving the mappings version used by the provided Spigot server (or fork).
It can be used to automatically have the correct mappings version inside the compiled plugin without having to manually update it for every new minecraft version (or mapping change).
Plugin documentation:
Usage with maven:
Example of automation with templating-maven-plugin
Copied from Usage
The plugin is published on the fren_gor
The mappings version is resolved using the server artifact (or path to the server's file) provided in the server
The resolved version is put into the property specified into the outputProperty
parameter. If not specified, the default value is resolvedMappingsVersion
<!-- Spigot artifact (or fork) -->
<server>org.spigotmc:spigot:SPIGOT VERSION</server>
<!-- Optional, the default value is resolvedMappingsVersion -->
The following command can be used to print the mappings version on the command line:
mvn com.frengor:mappings-version-resolver-maven-plugin:resolve-mappings-version -Dserver=org.spigotmc:spigot:SPIGOT-VERSION \
help:evaluate -Dexpression=resolvedMappingsVersion -q -DforceStdout
The string obtained using the Mappings Version Resolver plugin can be compared with the value returned by CraftMagicNumbers.INSTANCE.getMappingsVersion()
if (!CraftMagicNumbers.INSTANCE.getMappingsVersion().equals(mappingsVersionString)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Wrong mappings version found!");