layout | title | description | categories | seriesId | seriesOrder | |
post |
Reinventing the Reader monad |
Or, designing your own elevated world |
Map and Bind and Apply, Oh my! |
6 |
This post is the sixth in a series.
In the first two posts, I described some of the core functions for dealing with generic data types: map
, bind
, and so on.
In the third post, I discussed "applicative" vs "monadic" style, and how to lift values and functions to be consistent with each other.
In the fourth and previous posts, I introduced traverse
and sequence
as a way of working with lists of elevated values, and we saw this used in a practical example: downloading some URLs.
In this post, we'll finish up by working through another practical example, but this time we'll create our own "elevated world" as a way to deal with awkward code. We'll see that this approach is so common that it has a name -- the "Reader monad".
Here's a list of shortcuts to the various functions mentioned in this series:
- Part 1: Lifting to the elevated world
- Part 2: How to compose world-crossing functions
- Part 3: Using the core functions in practice
- Part 4: Mixing lists and elevated values
- Part 5: A real-world example that uses all the techniques
- Part 6: Designing your own elevated world
- Part 7: Summary
The scenario we'll be working with in this post is just this:
A customer comes to your site and wants to view information about the products they have purchased.
In this example, we'll assume that you have a API for a key/value store (such as Redis or a NoSql database), and all the information you need is stored there.
So the code we need will look something like this:
Open API connection
Get product ids purchased by customer id using the API
For each product id:
get the product info for that id using the API
Close API connection
Return the list of product infos
How hard can that be?
Well, it turns out to be surprisingly tricky! Luckily, we can find a way to make it easier using the concepts in this series.
First let's define the domain types:
- There will be a
of course. - For the product information, we'll just define a simple
with aProductName
Here are the types:
type CustId = CustId of string
type ProductId = ProductId of string
type ProductInfo = {ProductName: string; }
For testing our api, let's create an ApiClient
class with some Get
and Set
methods, backed by a static mutable dictionary.
This is based on similar APIs such as the Redis client.
- The
both work with objects, so I've added a casting mechanism. - In case of errors such as a failed cast, or a missing key, I'm using the
type that we've been using throughout this series. Therefore, bothGet
s rather than plain objects. - To make it more realistic, I've also added dummy methods for
. - All methods trace a log to the console.
type ApiClient() =
// static storage
static let mutable data = Map.empty<string,obj>
/// Try casting a value
/// Return Success of the value or Failure on failure
member private this.TryCast<'a> key (value:obj) =
match value with
| :? 'a as a ->
Result.Success a
| _ ->
let typeName = typeof<'a>.Name
Result.Failure [sprintf "Can't cast value at %s to %s" key typeName]
/// Get a value
member this.Get<'a> (id:obj) =
let key = sprintf "%A" id
printfn "[API] Get %s" key
match Map.tryFind key data with
| Some o ->
this.TryCast<'a> key o
| None ->
Result.Failure [sprintf "Key %s not found" key]
/// Set a value
member this.Set (id:obj) (value:obj) =
let key = sprintf "%A" id
printfn "[API] Set %s" key
if key = "bad" then // for testing failure paths
Result.Failure [sprintf "Bad Key %s " key]
data <- Map.add key value data
Result.Success ()
member this.Open() =
printfn "[API] Opening"
member this.Close() =
printfn "[API] Closing"
interface System.IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
printfn "[API] Disposing"
Let's do some tests:
use api = new ApiClient()
api.Get "K1" |> printfn "[K1] %A"
api.Set "K2" "hello" |> ignore
api.Get<string> "K2" |> printfn "[K2] %A"
api.Set "K3" "hello" |> ignore
api.Get<int> "K3" |> printfn "[K3] %A"
And the results are:
[API] Get "K1"
[K1] Failure ["Key "K1" not found"]
[API] Set "K2"
[API] Get "K2"
[K2] Success "hello"
[API] Set "K3"
[API] Get "K3"
[K3] Failure ["Can't cast value at "K3" to Int32"]
[API] Disposing
For our first attempt at implementing the scenario, let's start with the pseudo-code from above:
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) : Result<ProductInfo list> =
// Open api connection
use api = new ApiClient()
// Get product ids purchased by customer id
let productIdsResult = api.Get<ProductId list> custId
let productInfosResult = ??
// Close api connection
// Return the list of product infos
So far so good, but there is a bit of a problem already.
The getPurchaseInfo
function takes a CustId
as input, but it can't just output a list of ProductInfo
s, because there might be a failure.
That means that the return type needs to be Result<ProductInfo list>
Ok, how do we create our productInfosResult
Well that should be easy. If the productIdsResult
is Success, then loop through each id and get the info for each id.
If the productIdsResult
is Failure, then just return that failure.
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) : Result<ProductInfo list> =
// Open api connection
use api = new ApiClient()
// Get product ids purchased by customer id
let productIdsResult = api.Get<ProductId list> custId
let productInfosResult =
match productIdsResult with
| Success productIds ->
let productInfos = ResizeArray() // Same as .NET List<T>
for productId in productIds do
let productInfo = api.Get<ProductInfo> productId
productInfos.Add productInfo // mutation!
Success productInfos
| Failure err ->
Failure err
// Close api connection
// Return the list of product infos
Hmmm. It's looking a bit ugly. And I'm having to use a mutable data structure (productInfos
) to accumulate each product info and then wrap it in Success
And there's a worse problem The productInfo
that I'm getting from api.Get<ProductInfo>
is not a ProductInfo
at all, but a Result<ProductInfo>
so productInfos
is not the right type at all!
Let's add code to test each ProductInfo
result. If it's a success, then add it to the list of product infos, and if it's a failure, then return the failure.
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) : Result<ProductInfo list> =
// Open api connection
use api = new ApiClient()
// Get product ids purchased by customer id
let productIdsResult = api.Get<ProductId list> custId
let productInfosResult =
match productIdsResult with
| Success productIds ->
let productInfos = ResizeArray() // Same as .NET List<T>
let mutable anyFailures = false
for productId in productIds do
let productInfoResult = api.Get<ProductInfo> productId
match productInfoResult with
| Success productInfo ->
productInfos.Add productInfo
| Failure err ->
Failure err
Success productInfos
| Failure err ->
Failure err
// Close api connection
// Return the list of product infos
Um, no. That won't work at all. The code above will not compile. We can't do an "early return" in the loop when a failure happens.
So what do we have so far? Some really ugly code that won't even compile.
There has to be a better way.
It would be great if we could hide all this unwrapping and testing of Result
s. And there is -- computation expressions to the rescue.
If we create a computation expression for Result
we can write the code like this:
/// CustId -> Result<ProductInfo list>
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) : Result<ProductInfo list> =
// Open api connection
use api = new ApiClient()
let productInfosResult = Result.result {
// Get product ids purchased by customer id
let! productIds = api.Get<ProductId list> custId
let productInfos = ResizeArray() // Same as .NET List<T>
for productId in productIds do
let! productInfo = api.Get<ProductInfo> productId
productInfos.Add productInfo
return productInfos |> List.ofSeq
// Close api connection
// Return the list of product infos
In let productInfosResult = Result.result { .. }
code we create a result
computation expression that simplifies all the unwrapping (with let!
) and wrapping (with return
And so this implementation has no explicit xxxResult
values anywhere. However, it still has to use a mutable collection class to do the accumulation,
because the for productId in productIds do
is not actually a real for
loop, and we can't replace it with
, say.
Which brings us onto the implementation of the result
computation expression. In the previous posts, ResultBuilder
only had two methods, Return
and Bind
but in order to get the
functionality, we have to implement a lot of other methods too, and it ends up being a bit more complicated.
module Result =
let bind f xResult = ...
type ResultBuilder() =
member this.Return x = retn x
member this.ReturnFrom(m: Result<'T>) = m
member this.Bind(x,f) = bind f x
member this.Zero() = Failure []
member this.Combine (x,f) = bind f x
member this.Delay(f: unit -> _) = f
member this.Run(f) = f()
member this.TryFinally(m, compensation) =
try this.ReturnFrom(m)
finally compensation()
member this.Using(res:#System.IDisposable, body) =
this.TryFinally(body res, fun () ->
match res with
| null -> ()
| disp -> disp.Dispose())
member this.While(guard, f) =
if not (guard()) then
this.Bind(f(), fun _ -> this.While(guard, f))
member this.For(sequence:seq<_>, body) =
this.Using(sequence.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
this.While(enum.MoveNext, this.Delay(fun () ->
body enum.Current)))
let result = new ResultBuilder()
I have a series about the internals of computation expressions,
so I don't want to explain all that code here. Instead, for the rest of the post
we'll work on refactoring getPurchaseInfo
, and by the end of it we'll see that we don't need the result
computation expression at all.
The problem with the getPurchaseInfo
function as it stands is that it mixes concerns: it both creates the ApiClient
and does some work with it.
There a number of problems with this approach:
- If we want to do different work with the API, we have to repeat the open/close part of this code. And it's possible that one of the implementations might open the API but forget to close it.
- It's not testable with a mock API client.
We can solve both of these problems by separating the creation of an ApiClient
from its use by parameterizing the action, like this.
let executeApiAction apiAction =
// Open api connection
use api = new ApiClient()
// do something with it
let result = apiAction api
// Close api connection
// return result
The action function that is passed in would look like this, with a parameter for the ApiClient
as well as for the CustId
/// CustId -> ApiClient -> Result<ProductInfo list>
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) (api:ApiClient) =
let productInfosResult = Result.result {
let! productIds = api.Get<ProductId list> custId
let productInfos = ResizeArray() // Same as .NET List<T>
for productId in productIds do
let! productInfo = api.Get<ProductInfo> productId
productInfos.Add productInfo
return productInfos |> List.ofSeq
// return result
Note that getPurchaseInfo
has two parameters, but executeApiAction
expects a function with only one.
No problem! Just use partial application to bake in the first parameter:
let action = getPurchaseInfo (CustId "C1") // partially apply
executeApiAction action
That's why the ApiClient
is the second parameter in the parameter list -- so that we can do partial application.
We might need to get the product ids for some other purpose, and also the productInfo, so let's refactor those out into separate functions too:
/// CustId -> ApiClient -> Result<ProductId list>
let getPurchaseIds (custId:CustId) (api:ApiClient) =
api.Get<ProductId list> custId
/// ProductId -> ApiClient -> Result<ProductInfo>
let getProductInfo (productId:ProductId) (api:ApiClient) =
api.Get<ProductInfo> productId
/// CustId -> ApiClient -> Result<ProductInfo list>
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) (api:ApiClient) =
let result = Result.result {
let! productIds = getPurchaseIds custId api
let productInfos = ResizeArray()
for productId in productIds do
let! productInfo = getProductInfo productId api
productInfos.Add productInfo
return productInfos |> List.ofSeq
// return result
Now, we have these nice core functions getPurchaseIds
and getProductInfo
, but I'm annoyed that I have to write messy code to glue them together in getPurchaseInfo
Ideally, what I'd like to do is pipe the output of getPurchaseIds
into getProductInfo
like this:
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) =
|> getPurchaseIds
|> getProductInfo
Or as a diagram:
But I can't, and there are two reasons why:
- First,
has two parameters. Not just aProductId
but also theApiClient
. - Second, even if
wasn't there, the input ofgetProductInfo
is a simpleProductId
but the output ofgetPurchaseIds
is aResult
Wouldn't it be great if we could solve both of these problems!
Let's address the first problem. How can we compose functions when the extra ApiClient
parameter keeps getting in the way?
This is what a typical API calling function looks like:
If we look at the type signature we see this, a function with two parameters:
But another way to interpret this function is as a function with one parameter that returns another function. The returned function has an ApiClient
and returns the final ouput.
You might think of it like this: I have an input right now, but I won't have an actual ApiClient
until later,
so let me use the input to create a api-consuming function that can I glue together in various ways right now, without needing a ApiClient
at all.
Let's give this api-consuming function a name. Let's call it ApiAction
In fact, let's do more than that -- let's make it a type!
type ApiAction<'a> = (ApiClient -> 'a)
Unfortunately, as it stands, this is just a type alias for a function, not a separate type. We need to wrap it in a single case union to make it a distinct type.
type ApiAction<'a> = ApiAction of (ApiClient -> 'a)
Now that we have a real type to use, we can rewrite our core domain functions to use it.
First getPurchaseIds
// CustId -> ApiAction<Result<ProductId list>>
let getPurchaseIds (custId:CustId) =
// create the api-consuming function
let action (api:ApiClient) =
api.Get<ProductId list> custId
// wrap it in the single case
ApiAction action
The signature is now CustId -> ApiAction<Result<ProductId list>>
, which you can interpret as meaning: "give me a CustId and I will give a you a ApiAction that, when
given an api, will make a list of ProductIds".
Similarly, getProductInfo
can be rewritten to return an ApiAction
// ProductId -> ApiAction<Result<ProductInfo>>
let getProductInfo (productId:ProductId) =
// create the api-consuming function
let action (api:ApiClient) =
api.Get<ProductInfo> productId
// wrap it in the single case
ApiAction action
Notice those signatures:
CustId -> ApiAction<Result<ProductId list>>
ProductId -> ApiAction<Result<ProductInfo>>
This is starting to look awfully familiar. Didn't we see something just like this in the previous post, with Async<Result<_>>
If we draw diagrams of the various types involved in these two functions, we can clearly see that ApiAction
is an elevated world, just like List
and Result
And that means that we should be able to use the same techniques as we have used before: map
, bind
, traverse
, etc.
Here's getPurchaseIds
as a stack diagram. The input is a CustId
and the output is an ApiAction<Result<List<ProductId>>>
and with getProductInfo
the input is a ProductId
and the output is an ApiAction<Result<ProductInfo>>
The combined function that we want, getPurchaseInfo
, should look like this:
And now the problem in composing the two functions is very clear: the output of getPurchaseIds
can not be used as the input for getProductInfo
But I think that you can see that we have some hope! There should be some way of manipulating these layers so that they do match up, and then we can compose them easily.
So that's what we will work on next.
In the last post we merged Async
and Result
into the compound type AsyncResult
. We can do the same here, and create the type ApiActionResult
When we make this change, our two functions become slightly simpler:
Enough diagrams -- let's write some code now.
First, we need to define map
, apply
, return
and bind
for ApiAction
module ApiAction =
/// Evaluate the action with a given api
/// ApiClient -> ApiAction<'a> -> 'a
let run api (ApiAction action) =
let resultOfAction = action api
/// ('a -> 'b) -> ApiAction<'a> -> ApiAction<'b>
let map f action =
let newAction api =
let x = run api action
f x
ApiAction newAction
/// 'a -> ApiAction<'a>
let retn x =
let newAction api =
ApiAction newAction
/// ApiAction<('a -> 'b)> -> ApiAction<'a> -> ApiAction<'b>
let apply fAction xAction =
let newAction api =
let f = run api fAction
let x = run api xAction
f x
ApiAction newAction
/// ('a -> ApiAction<'b>) -> ApiAction<'a> -> ApiAction<'b>
let bind f xAction =
let newAction api =
let x = run api xAction
run api (f x)
ApiAction newAction
/// Create an ApiClient and run the action on it
/// ApiAction<'a> -> 'a
let execute action =
use api = new ApiClient()
let result = run api action
Note that all the functions use a helper function called run
which unwraps an ApiAction
to get the function inside,
and applies this to the api
that is also passed in. The result is the value wrapped in the ApiAction
For example, if we had an ApiAction<int>
then run api myAction
would result in an int
And at the bottom, there is a execute
function that creates an ApiClient
, opens the connection, runs the action, and then closes the connection.
And with the core functions for ApiAction
defined, we can go ahead and define the functions for the compound type ApiActionResult
just as we did for AsyncResult
in the previous post:
module ApiActionResult =
let map f = ( f)
let retn x =
ApiAction.retn (Result.retn x)
let apply fActionResult xActionResult =
let newAction api =
let fResult = api fActionResult
let xResult = api xActionResult
Result.apply fResult xResult
ApiAction newAction
let bind f xActionResult =
let newAction api =
let xResult = api xActionResult
// create a new action based on what xResult is
let yAction =
match xResult with
| Success x ->
// Success? Run the function
f x
| Failure err ->
// Failure? wrap the error in an ApiAction
(Failure err) |> ApiAction.retn api yAction
ApiAction newAction
Now that we have all the tools in place, we must decide on what transforms to use to change the shape of getProductInfo
so that the input matches up.
Should we choose map
, or bind
, or traverse
Let's play around with the stacks visually and see what happens for each kind of transform.
Before we get started, let's be explicit about what we are trying to achieve:
- We have two functions
that we want to combine into a single functiongetPurchaseInfo
. - We have to manipulate the left side (the input) of
so that it matches the output ofgetPurchaseIds
. - We have to manipulate the right side (the output) of
so that it matches the output of our idealgetPurchaseInfo
As a reminder, map
adds a new stack on both sides. So if we start with a generic world-crossing function like this:
Then, after
say, we will have a new List
stack on each site.
Here's our getProductInfo
before transformation:
And here is what it would look like after using
This might seem promising -- we have a List
of ProductId
as input now, and if we can stack a ApiActionResult
on top we would match the output of getPurchaseId
But the output is all wrong. We want the ApiActionResult
to stay on the top. That is, we don't want a List
of ApiActionResult
but a ApiActionResult
of List
Ok, what about bind
If you recall, bind
turns a "diagonal" function into a horizontal function by adding a new stack on the left sides. So for example,
whatever the top elevated world is on the right, that will be added to the left.
And here is what our getProductInfo
would look like after using ApiActionResult.bind
This is no good to us. We need to have a List
of ProductId
as input.
Finally, let's try traverse
turns a diagonal function of values into diagonal function with lists wrapping the values. That is, List
is added as the top stack
on the left hand side, and the second-from-top stack on the right hand side.
if we try that out on getProductInfo
we get something very promising.
The input is a list as needed. And the output is perfect. We wanted a ApiAction<Result<List<ProductInfo>>>
and we now have it.
So all we need to do now is add an ApiActionResult
to the left side.
Well, we just saw this! It's bind
. So if we do that as well, we are finished.
And here it is expressed as code:
let getPurchaseInfo =
let getProductInfo1 = traverse getProductInfo
let getProductInfo2 = ApiActionResult.bind getProductInfo1
getPurchaseIds >> getProductInfo2
Or to make it a bit less ugly:
let getPurchaseInfo =
let getProductInfoLifted =
|> traverse
|> ApiActionResult.bind
getPurchaseIds >> getProductInfoLifted
Let's compare that with the earlier version of getPurchaseInfo
let getPurchaseInfo (custId:CustId) (api:ApiClient) =
let result = Result.result {
let! productIds = getPurchaseIds custId api
let productInfos = ResizeArray()
for productId in productIds do
let! productInfo = getProductInfo productId api
productInfos.Add productInfo
return productInfos |> List.ofSeq
// return result
Let's compare the two versions in a table:
Earlier verson | Latest function |
Composite function is non-trivial and needs special code to glue the two smaller functions together | Composite function is just piping and composition |
Uses the "result" computation expression | No special syntax needed |
Has special code to loop through the results | Uses "traverse" |
Uses a intermediate (and mutable) List object to accumulate the list of product infos | No intermediate values needed. Just a data pipeline. |
The code above uses traverse
, but we haven't implemented it yet.
As I noted earlier, it can be implemented mechanically, following a template.
Here it is:
let traverse f list =
// define the applicative functions
let (<*>) = ApiActionResult.apply
let retn = ApiActionResult.retn
// define a "cons" function
let cons head tail = head :: tail
// right fold over the list
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
retn cons <*> f head <*> tail
List.foldBack folder list initState
Let's test it!
First we need a helper function to show results:
let showResult result =
match result with
| Success (productInfoList) ->
printfn "SUCCESS: %A" productInfoList
| Failure errs ->
printfn "FAILURE: %A" errs
Next, we need to load the API with some test data:
let setupTestData (api:ApiClient) =
//setup purchases
api.Set (CustId "C1") [ProductId "P1"; ProductId "P2"] |> ignore
api.Set (CustId "C2") [ProductId "PX"; ProductId "P2"] |> ignore
//setup product info
api.Set (ProductId "P1") {ProductName="P1-Name"} |> ignore
api.Set (ProductId "P2") {ProductName="P2-Name"} |> ignore
// P3 missing
// setupTestData is an api-consuming function
// so it can be put in an ApiAction
// and then that apiAction can be executed
let setupAction = ApiAction setupTestData
ApiAction.execute setupAction
- Customer C1 has purchased two products: P1 and P2.
- Customer C2 has purchased two products: PX and P2.
- Products P1 and P2 have some info.
- Product PX does not have any info.
Let's see how this works out for different customer ids.
We'll start with Customer C1. For this customer we expect both product infos to be returned:
CustId "C1"
|> getPurchaseInfo
|> ApiAction.execute
|> showResult
And here are the results:
[API] Opening
[API] Get CustId "C1"
[API] Get ProductId "P1"
[API] Get ProductId "P2"
[API] Closing
[API] Disposing
SUCCESS: [{ProductName = "P1-Name";}; {ProductName = "P2-Name";}]
What happens if we use a missing customer, such as CX?
CustId "CX"
|> getPurchaseInfo
|> ApiAction.execute
|> showResult
As expected, we get a nice "key not found" failure, and the rest of the operations are skipped as soon as the key is not found.
[API] Opening
[API] Get CustId "CX"
[API] Closing
[API] Disposing
FAILURE: ["Key CustId "CX" not found"]
What about if one of the purchased products has no info? For example, customer C2 purchased PX and P2, but there is no info for PX.
CustId "C2"
|> getPurchaseInfo
|> ApiAction.execute
|> showResult
The overall result is a failure. Any bad product causes the whole operation to fail.
[API] Opening
[API] Get CustId "C2"
[API] Get ProductId "PX"
[API] Get ProductId "P2"
[API] Closing
[API] Disposing
FAILURE: ["Key ProductId "PX" not found"]
But note that the data for product P2 is fetched even though product PX failed. Why? Because we are using the applicative version of traverse
so every element of the list is fetched "in parallel".
If we wanted to only fetch P2 once we knew that PX existed, then we should be using monadic style instead. We already seen how to write a monadic version of traverse
so I leave that as an exercise for you!
In the implementation above, the getPurchaseInfo
function failed if any product failed to be found. Harsh!
A real application would probably be more forgiving. Probably what should happen is that the failed products are logged, but all the successes are accumulated and returned.
How could we do this?
The answer is simple -- we just need to modify the traverse
function to skip failures.
First, we need to create a new helper function for ApiActionResult
. It will allow us to pass in two functions, one for the success case
and one for the error case:
module ApiActionResult =
let map = ...
let retn = ...
let apply = ...
let bind = ...
let either onSuccess onFailure xActionResult =
let newAction api =
let xResult = api xActionResult
let yAction =
match xResult with
| Result.Success x -> onSuccess x
| Result.Failure err -> onFailure err api yAction
ApiAction newAction
This helper function helps us match both cases inside a ApiAction
without doing complicated unwrapping. We will need this for our traverse
that skips failures.
By the way, note that ApiActionResult.bind
can be defined in terms of either
let bind f =
// Success? Run the function
(fun x -> f x)
// Failure? wrap the error in an ApiAction
(fun err -> (Failure err) |> ApiAction.retn)
Now we can define our "traverse with logging of failures" function:
let traverseWithLog log f list =
// define the applicative functions
let (<*>) = ApiActionResult.apply
let retn = ApiActionResult.retn
// define a "cons" function
let cons head tail = head :: tail
// right fold over the list
let initState = retn []
let folder head tail =
(f head)
|> ApiActionResult.either
(fun h -> retn cons <*> retn h <*> tail)
(fun errs -> log errs; tail)
List.foldBack folder list initState
The only difference between this and the previous implementation is this bit:
let folder head tail =
(f head)
|> ApiActionResult.either
(fun h -> retn cons <*> retn h <*> tail)
(fun errs -> log errs; tail)
This says that:
- If the new first element (
f head
) is a success, lift the inner value (retn h
) andcons
it with the tail to build a new list. - But if the new first element is a failure, then log the inner errors (
) with the passed in logging function (log
) and just reuse the current tail. In this way, failed elements are not added to the list, but neither do they cause the whole function to fail.
Let's create a new function getPurchasesInfoWithLog
and try it with customer C2 and the missing product PX:
let getPurchasesInfoWithLog =
let log errs = printfn "SKIPPED %A" errs
let getProductInfoLifted =
|> traverseWithLog log
|> ApiActionResult.bind
getPurchaseIds >> getProductInfoLifted
CustId "C2"
|> getPurchasesInfoWithLog
|> ApiAction.execute
|> showResult
The result is a Success now, but only one ProductInfo
, for P2, is returned. The log shows that PX was skipped.
[API] Opening
[API] Get CustId "C2"
[API] Get ProductId "PX"
SKIPPED ["Key ProductId "PX" not found"]
[API] Get ProductId "P2"
[API] Closing
[API] Disposing
SUCCESS: [{ProductName = "P2-Name";}]
If you look closely at the ApiResult
module, you will see that map
, bind
, and all the other functions do not use any information about the api
that is passed around. We could have made it any type and those functions would still have worked.
So in the spirit of "parameterize all the things", why not make it a parameter?
That means that we could have defined ApiAction
as follows:
type ApiAction<'anything,'a> = ApiAction of ('anything -> 'a)
But if it can be anything, why call it ApiAction
any more? It could represent any set of things that depend on an object
(such as an api
) being passed in to them.
We are not the first people to discover this! This type is commonly called the Reader
type and is defined like this:
type Reader<'environment,'a> = Reader of ('environment -> 'a)
The extra type 'environment
plays the same role that ApiClient
did in our definition of ApiAction
. There is some environment
that is passed around as an extra parameter to all your functions, just as a api
instance was.
In fact, we can actually define ApiAction
in terms of Reader
very easily:
type ApiAction<'a> = Reader<ApiClient,'a>
The set of functions for Reader
are exactly the same as for ApiAction
. I have just taken the code and replaced ApiAction
with Reader
with environment
module Reader =
/// Evaluate the action with a given environment
/// 'env -> Reader<'env,'a> -> 'a
let run environment (Reader action) =
let resultOfAction = action environment
/// ('a -> 'b) -> Reader<'env,'a> -> Reader<'env,'b>
let map f action =
let newAction environment =
let x = run environment action
f x
Reader newAction
/// 'a -> Reader<'env,'a>
let retn x =
let newAction environment =
Reader newAction
/// Reader<'env,('a -> 'b)> -> Reader<'env,'a> -> Reader<'env,'b>
let apply fAction xAction =
let newAction environment =
let f = run environment fAction
let x = run environment xAction
f x
Reader newAction
/// ('a -> Reader<'env,'b>) -> Reader<'env,'a> -> Reader<'env,'b>
let bind f xAction =
let newAction environment =
let x = run environment xAction
run environment (f x)
Reader newAction
The type signatures are a bit harder to read now though!
The Reader
type, plus bind
and return
, plus the fact that bind
and return
implement the monad laws, means that Reader
is typically called "the Reader monad" .
I'm not going to delve into the Reader monad here, but I hope that you can see how it is actually a useful thing and not some bizarre ivory tower concept.
Now if you like, you could replace all the ApiAction
code above with Reader
code, and it would work just the same. But should you?
Personally, I think that while understanding the concept behind the Reader monad is important and useful, I prefer the actual implementation of ApiAction
as I defined it originally, an explicit type rather than an alias for Reader<ApiClient,'a>
Why? Well, F# doesn't have typeclasses, F# doesn't have partial application of type constructors, F# doesn't have "newtype". Basically, F# isn't Haskell! I don't think that idioms that work well in Haskell should be carried over to F# directly when the language does not offer support for it.
If you understand the concepts, you can implement all the necessary transformations in a few lines of code. Yes, it's a little extra work, but the upside is less abstraction and fewer dependencies.
I would make an exception, perhaps, if your team were all Haskell experts, and the Reader monad was familiar to everyone. But for teams of different abilities, I would err on being too concrete rather than too abstract.
In this post, we worked through another practical example, created our own elevated world which made things much easier, and in the process, accidentally re-invented the reader monad.
If you liked this, you can see a similar practical example, this time for the State monad, in my series on "Dr Frankenfunctor and the Monadster".
The next and final post has a quick summary of the series, and some further reading.