This package includes a library for a simple but complete Turing machine. It also includes a console program to run a Turing machine which is read in by a yaml-file.
turing-machine - a Turing Machine Simulator
Usage: turing-machine COMMAND [-s|--start-state START-STATE] [-q|--quiet]
Run or take a step in a Turing Machine
Available options:
-s,--start-state START-STATE
Which state the Turing machine should start
in (default: "")
-q,--quiet Whether to be quiet
-p,--print Whether to print out the step/s
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
run Run the Turing machine through all steps
step Take one step with the Turing machine
count Run the Turing machine and count the number of ones;
Mostly for Busy Beavers or similar programs
state: "A"
0: ["1","R","B"]
1: ["1","R","HALT"]
0: ["1","L","B"]
1: ["0","R","C"]
0: ["1,"L,"C"]
1: ["1","L","A"]
- "00000000"
- "0"
- "00000000"
steps: 0
You need to download and install cabal or install it through your package manager of choice. Nix is a good choice.
Then you download the repository or clone it with git.
After unpacking or cloning from git you have to switch into the folder of turing-machine.
Then run cabal new-install
$ > cd turing-machine
$ > cabal new-install
You need to install stack on your system. Either by downloading it or by your package manager of choice.
Then you download the repository like with cabal. You can also clone it with git.
Afterwards you go into the folder and run stack setup
followed by stack install
$ > cd turing-machine
$ > stack setup; stack install
You need to install stack on your system. Either by downloading it or by your package manager of choice.
Then you download the repository like with cabal. You can also clone it with git.
Afterwards you go into the folder and run nix-build release.nix
$ > cd turing-machine
$ > nix-build release.nix
- Alan Turing for the idea of the Turing machine