This project provides a flexible and powerful template engine for ABAP environments. It supports dynamic template rendering with conditional logic, loops, and partial templates. The following examples illustrate how to use various features of the template engine.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Conditional Rendering Example
- Loop and Conditional Rendering Example
- Repeating Content Example
- Repeating Content with Context Example
- Partial Templates Example
This example demonstrates how to use conditional logic within a template to show different outputs based on a boolean flag.
* Define a template with conditional rendering
DATA(template) = |<%if is_deleted %><p> Is Deleted = True </p><%endif%>| &&
|<%ifn is_deleted %><p> Is Deleted = False </p><%endifn%>|.
* Create an instance of the template engine with the defined template
DATA(lo_template) = zcl_template_engine=>create( template = template ).
* Define the context structure
TYPES: BEGIN OF lty_context,
is_deleted TYPE boolean,
END OF lty_context.
* Initialize context with data
DATA: ls_context TYPE lty_context VALUE 'X'.
* Render the template with the context
cl_demo_output=>display( lo_template->render( ls_context ) ).
<p> Is Deleted = True </p>
This example shows how to render a list of items, applying conditional display based on item properties.
* Define a template with a loop and conditional rendering
DATA(template) = |<% for item in items %>| &&
|<% if item-show %>| &&
|<p>Item: <%item-name%></p>{ cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline }| &&
|<% endif %>| &&
|<% endfor %>|.
* Define the structure for loop items
TYPES: BEGIN OF lty_context_line,
name TYPE string,
show TYPE boolean,
END OF lty_context_line.
* Define the main context structure
TYPES: BEGIN OF lty_context,
items TYPE TABLE OF lty_context_line WITH EMPTY KEY,
item TYPE lty_context_line, "item required
END OF lty_context.
* Initialize context with data
DATA: ls_context TYPE lty_context.
ls_context-items = VALUE #( ( name = 'Item 1' show = abap_true )
( name = 'Item 2' show = abap_false )
( name = 'Item 3' show = abap_true ) ).
* Create an instance of the template engine with the defined template
DATA(lo_template) = zcl_template_engine=>create( template = template ).
* Render the template with the context
cl_demo_output=>display( lo_template->render( ls_context ) ).
<p>Item: Item 1</p>
<p>Item: Item 3</p>
This example demonstrates how to repeat a section of the template a specified number of times.
* Define a template to repeat content
DATA(template) = |<% do 5 %><p>Hello World</p>{ cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline }<% enddo %>|.
* Create an instance of the template engine with the defined template
DATA(lo_template) = zcl_template_engine=>create( template = template ).
* Render the template
cl_demo_output=>display( lo_template->render( ) ).
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
This example shows how to use a context variable to control the number of repetitions in the template.
* Define the context structure
TYPES: BEGIN OF lty_context,
count TYPE i,
END OF lty_context.
* Initialize context with data
DATA: ls_context TYPE lty_context.
ls_context-count = 5.
* Define a template to repeat content based on context
DATA(template) = |<% do count %><p>Hello World</p>{ cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline }<% enddo %>|.
* Create an instance of the template engine with the defined template
DATA(lo_template) = zcl_template_engine=>create( template = template ).
* Render the template with the context
cl_demo_output=>display( lo_template->render( ls_context ) ).
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
<p>Hello World</p>
This example demonstrates how to use partial templates to modularize and reuse template snippets.
* Define partial templates with more descriptive content
DATA(lo_partial1) = zcl_template_engine=>create(
|Greetings from Partial 1! Here is the name provided in the context: <%name%>|
DATA(lo_partial2) = zcl_template_engine=>create(
|Hello from Partial 2! The name in the context is: <%name%>|
DATA(lo_partial3) = zcl_template_engine=>create(
|Welcome from Partial 3! Name accessed from context: <%name%>|
* Define a main template that uses the partial templates
DATA(lo_template) = zcl_template_engine=>create(
|<p>Message from Partial 1: <%@partial1%></p>{ cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline }| &&
|<p>Message from Partial 2: <%@partial2%></p>{ cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline }| &&
|<p>Message from Partial 3: <%@partial3%></p>{ cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline }| &&
|<p>This is the main layout. The name used here is: <%name%></p>|
* Define the context structure including partial templates
TYPES: BEGIN OF lty_context,
partial1 TYPE REF TO zcl_template_engine,
partial2 TYPE REF TO zcl_template_engine,
partial3 TYPE REF TO zcl_template_engine,
name TYPE string,
END OF lty_context.
* Initialize context with data
DATA: ls_context TYPE lty_context.
ls_context-partial1 = lo_partial1.
ls_context-partial2 = lo_partial2.
ls_context-partial3 = lo_partial3.
ls_context-name = 'TEMPLATE_ENGINE'.
* Render the main template with the context
cl_demo_output=>display( lo_template->render( ls_context ) ).
<p>Message from Partial 1: Greetings from Partial 1! Here is the name provided in the context: TEMPLATE_ENGINE</p>
<p>Message from Partial 2: Hello from Partial 2! The name in the context is: TEMPLATE_ENGINE</p>
<p>Message from Partial 3: Welcome from Partial 3! Name accessed from context: TEMPLATE_ENGINE</p>
<p>This is the main layout. The name used here is: TEMPLATE_ENGINE</p>
Feel free to adjust any details according to your specific needs or preferences.