This repository contains a tensorflow-based implementation of the the arbitrary image/video style transfer method, based on an improved attention system, proposed by Liu et al. in the paper AdaAttN: Revisit Attention Mechanism in Arbitrary Neural Style Transfer.
The following results are examples generated using a model trainet on COCO and Wikiart datasets for 36k steps. Its weights can be found on the weights folder and they are loaded by default when running the provided style transfer scripts.
As it can be noticed, the network is able to produce high quality style transfers, working also on low-level features. Moreover, it applies the style into the content in a way that does not change the content itself (for example by adding style's features by force), but integrating their features where it is more appropriate, thanks to the attention mechanism. Scaling up the resolutions leads to great benefits to the level of details: these results have been obtained with a 1024x1024 resolution.
The style transfer is also quite good when applied to videos, and, also in this case, scaling up the resolutions brings great improvements with itself, with a noticeable reduced flickering effect, even without the use of a specific regularization term during the training. This example has been generated using a 1080x720 resolution and an interpolation level of 0.75.
To create a stylized content of a given image, run the
python "content_path" "style_path" "result_path"
Optional arguments are:
: set width output resolution (integer value, it should be a multiple of 16, default=512)--h
: set height output resolution (integer value, it should be a multiple of 16, default=512)--mix
: set the interpolation level between the content image and the stylized content (float value in range [0.0, 1.0], default=1.0)--cpu
: this forces the model to run on CPU; which will take much more time but it could be necessary in case of too high resolutions that cannot be handled by the GPU
To genearate the stylized version of a given video, run the
python "content_path" "style_path" "result_path"
The parameters are the same used for the image style transfer (even the optional ones), with the only difference being the files' format.
To be able to launch a training session, a couple of training datasets must be downloaded and placed inside the data folder. If their names do not match the ones on the src/architecture/ file, this one should be edited accordingly. Default names are "coco dataset" and "wikiart dataset", since the model has been trained on them, for content and style respectively.
Particularly, they can be easily downloaded, among other online resources (including the official ones), from Kaggle; where a selected set of 50k images (for both datasets) has been gathered and already resized into a 512x512 resolution, saving space and time.
In order to train the model from scratch (or starting from the last training step), it is enough to run the command:
Beforehand, training parameters can be adjusted by accessing the file src/architecture/