Implementation of Easing Functions within Unity in C#
Sine, Quad, Cubic, Quint, Expo, Circ, Back, Elastic & Bounce each with there in and out variants.
All easing functions can be called from the following static function
EasingLerps.EasingLerp(EasingLerpsType type, EasingInOutType inOutType, float time, float a, float b)
Where type being type of easing to use (Sine, Quad ect) inOutType being which variant for use time being the time between 0 and 1 a being the start lerp value b being the ending lerp value
with it returning a float value between a and b for the given time value.
All functionality can be played around with from the EasingLerpExample example scene.
Loading and playing this scene will allow you to jump between each type of easing function along with it's in & out variation.
Developed by Alan Yeats with a zlib license. While the zlib license does not require acknowledgement.