Project has Two main menus.
Admin Panel- To Add, Delete, Update Data as Available Cities, Movies, Theaters, Shows, Seats.
Customer Panel- Search for Cities, Movies, Theaters, Shows, Seats, Book.
How it works?
Custoemer Registers first, then Logs-in.
User is created and assign a group tag as "customer" default.
User/Customer Features
- Select the City, with autocomplete, just type 1-2 characters and enter, it will show matching cities. eg. type "mum", it shows Mumbai.
- Select the Favourite Movie, same with autocompletion
- Select Theater
- Select Show, as per timings, eg. Morning Show, Afternoon, Evening, Night.
- Select your seats, Green Colored are Available and Red ones are Booked/Reserved/UnAvailables.
- Book your seat, it will create Booking in backend, with your customer-id.
Admin Features
- Add City, Movie, Show, Seat and Edit/Update, Delete.
- Change availability of Shows and respective available seats for the show.
- Choose which Theater shows which movie for which show.
- User/Customer can't access to Admin menu.
- SuperUser is only one for each Database, so
- We have Group-based authorization.
- Users are added to "customer" group
- Theater Staff added to "admin" group
Future ToDos/Improvements:
- Add Date/Calender, as of now, no option of choosing dates.
- Use Redis, for Caching records and faster search autocomplete records, as in-memory db.
- Create Documentation
- Host on Cloud, with CI/CD Pipeline.