This is a 3D recreation of a 2D picture of a teacup and an orange on a wooden table. The rendering was generated using C++ and the OpenGL library API. The user can navigate the scene with intuitive mouse and keyboard controls.
The project explores linear algebra, model transformations, complex texturing, lighting with the Phong model, and input devices for navigation.
Programmatic and mathematical techniques are used to generate primitive shapes such as a sphere, cube, plane, and cylinder in order to recreate the original photograph's objects.
- C++ - an object-oriented and lower-level programming language. For more information about this language, visit
- OpenGL - a widely popular graphics API used for many industries and applications. The C++ OpenGL libraries GLEW and GLFW are used in this project. For more information about OpenGL, visit
- OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) - a header-only library that allows linear algebraic calculations to be performed for graphics processing. Such calculations include model transformations by multiplying vectors and matrices. For more information on GLM, please visit
- stb_image.h - a header-only library for loading images of various file-types. This library is available at
W, A, S, D - moves camera forward, left, back, right
Q, E - moves camera up and down
P - changes scene between orthographic and
perspective projection matrices
Cursor - adjusts camera pitch and yaw
Scroll - adjusts speed of camera movement