Creates basic Nebula config files with embedded certificates
Tool for Nebula VPN:
This scrips tries to simplify nebula config and certificate files. When running the script in an empty folder, it will download the windows or linux (amd64) binary files from the official github repo. It will also grab the template yml file.
It will then create a new CA if none is found in the directory and start issuing node certificates as requested. The key is that the output is a single config file as I am too lazy to move 4 files to every node manually (ca.crt, node.crt, node,key and config.yml). In this case the certificates are embedded in the config file.
mkdir nebula; cd $_
python3 -h
Here is an example: Download the python script into an empty folder. Open the file in your favorite editor and edit the variables at the top of the file. At minimum, replace my_fist_lighthouse with the public IP of your lighthouse.
# lighthouse_url=["", ""]
lighthouse_url = [""]
# lighthouse_ip=["", ""]
lighthouse_ip = [""]
# Required: name of the certificate authority
ca_name = "My super awesome Nebula CA"
# The internal network for the nebula Mesh to use
network = IPv4Network('')
# Reserved addresses for lighthouse and such that we don't use for nodes
reserved_ips = {'', '', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '', ''}
Once adjusted to your liking, the first node can be created with:
python3 -name lighthouse.nebula -ip -groups red,blue -lighthouse true
This will create a file named: which is now the first lighthouse node and can be started with:
sudo ./nebula -config
for example.
To add nodes, the script can be run again like this:
python3 -name client1.nebula -groups red,blue
It will evaluate the existsing and reserved IP addresses (and names) and assign the next available one. (In this case .11)
The script does not adjust any of the default security settings, however the options for the certificates are available.
python3 -h
Platform is: linux
usage: [-h] -name NAME [-ip IP] [-subnets SUBNETS] [-groups GROUPS] [-lighthouse LIGHTHOUSE]
Nebula config file generator
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-name NAME specify the name for the new node
-ip IP specify the IP for the new node
-subnets SUBNETS specify the subnets for the new node
-groups GROUPS specify the groups for the new node
-lighthouse LIGHTHOUSE
Set this to True if this node is a lighthouse.
For example:
python3 -name host6.nebula -ip -subnets, -groups red,blue
Finally, once the config file is moved to the node, the security settings can be adjusted as required.