- cd into project directory
- install dependencies with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- insert your credentials in: credentials.json
The first argument is an enum and it can be:
- Presenza
- Smart
Invoke the script like this: python /path/to/autofill_presence.py "Presenza" "In sede" asa_1=6 asa_2=2
The second argument is an enum and it can be:
- In sede
- Fuori Sede
The third argument can have as many asa as you want with this pattern: asa_n=x
Invoke the script like this: python /path/to/autofill_presence.py "Smart" 8 0800
The second argument is used for smart working hours
The third argument is for the current datetime hours. The format in hours is, for example: 1030 (equals 10:30)
When you are sure that the script works correctly, you can also start a cronjob