This project is no longer maintained. If you would like to contact about this, please find us on Discord.
This is not an official pack, -Glest AI cannot play correctly the zombie_invasion faction-. Maybe you can see that zombies in the zombie_invasion faction cost an ammount of 0 gold. You must survive to special scenarios "look the screenshots" or create a game where some way are invaded by zombies. You can create your own scenarios and play the zombies or another factions but remember that in some you will lag if there are to many units. This pack is based on mc_pack and on imperial_m_g packs, you cannot produce zombies with minecraft and cannot produce flying unities with techs so that zombie will always be able to kill units. I created the zombie_invasion loading_screen with Gimp. I shared it many times : on my MegaGlest FR community on Google+. Now it is a Creative Commons picture, that you and everyone can use it as they want.
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Linux Player