This is a sample React app that demonstrates how to incorporate the gonebusy-nodejs-sdk into a smooth UX for booking.
$ git clone git@github.com:<your_fork>/sample-react-app.git
$ cd sample-react-app
$ yarn install
# To create new resources, service, and time windows
yarn setup -- API_KEY
# To teardown all resources, service, and time windows
yarn setup -- API_KEY teardown
Start a local server running on port 8080, at http://localhost:8080. Bundles js and css via webpack with hot reload. It starts an express server on localhost:4000 to access gonebusy-nodejs-client and all requests made on localhost:8080 proxies to localhost:4000.
$ yarn dev-start
Minifies js and css.
$ yarn run build
Minifies js and css and starts server at http://localhost:4000
$ yarn start
$ yarn add some-package-name