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AnilistAPI Client Module Documentation


AnimeMangaWrapper is an npm module designed to interact with the AniList API, allowing users to search for anime and manga information. It offers dynamic features such as multilingual support (EN/FR), search by title or ID, and flexible configuration.


Ensure that Node.js is installed on your machine.

Installation Command:

npm install anilist-api-client


Importing the Module

In a JavaScript or TypeScript project, you can import the module as follows:


const { AnilistAPIClient } = require('anime-api-client');


import { AnilistAPIClient } from 'anime-api-client';

Classes and Methods

The module is divided into two main subclasses: Anime and Manga.

Main Class: AnilistAPIClient

This class serves as the main interface for accessing module functionality.

Subclass: Anime

Enables interaction with anime-related data.

Primary Methods:

getByTitle(title: string): Promise<any>

Searches for an anime by its title.

  • Parameters:

    • title (string): The title of the anime.
  • Returns:

    • A promise containing the data of the found anime.
const anime = await AnilistAPIClient.anime.getByTitle('Naruto');
getById(id: number): Promise<any>

Searches for an anime by its ID.

  • Parameters:

    • id (number): The ID of the anime.
  • Returns:

    • A promise containing the data of the found anime.
const anime = await AnilistAPIClient.anime.getById(20);

Subclass: Manga

Enables interaction with manga-related data.

Primary Methods:

getByTitle(title: string): Promise<any>

Searches for a manga by its title.

  • Parameters:

    • title (string): The title of the manga.
  • Returns:

    • A promise containing the data of the found manga.
const manga = await AnilistAPIClient.manga.getByTitle('One Piece');
getById(id: number): Promise<any>

Searches for a manga by its ID.

  • Parameters:

    • id (number): The ID of the manga.
  • Returns:

    • A promise containing the data of the found manga.
const manga = await AnilistAPIClient.manga.getById(1);

Error Handling

The module integrates advanced error handling with clear messages.

Example: Search Without Title

If a missing title or ID is provided, an error is thrown:

try {
  const anime = await AnilistAPIClient.anime.getByTitle('');
} catch (error) {
  console.error(error.message); // "A title is required to perform a search."

Example: API Error

In case of network errors or issues with the API:

try {
  const manga = await AnilistAPIClient.manga.getById(9999999);
} catch (error) {
  console.error(error.message); // "Error fetching data: ..."

Complete Usage Example

Here is an example demonstrating the main features of the module:

const { AnilistAPIClient } = require('anime-api-client');

(async () => {
  // Search for an anime by title
  try {
    const anime = await AnilistAPIClient.anime.getByTitle('Naruto');
    console.log('Found anime:', anime);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);

  try {
    const anime = await AnilistAPIClient.anime.getById(20);
    console.log('Found anime (EN):', anime);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error:', error.message);

Discord Bot Integration Example

To use this module in a Discord bot, you can create a command that retrieves anime or manga information when triggered by users.

Discord bot example:

const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js');
const { AnilistAPIClient } = require('anime-api-client');

const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent] });

client.once('ready', () => {
  console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);

client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
  if ( return;

  const [command, ...args] = message.content.split(' ');

  if (command === '!anime') {
    const title = args.join(' ');
    if (!title) {
      return message.reply('Please provide the title of the anime.');

    try {
      const anime = await AnilistAPIClient.anime.getByTitle(title);
      message.reply(`Found anime: ${anime.title.romaji} - ${anime.description}`);
    } catch (error) {
      message.reply(`Error: ${error.message}`);

  if (command === '!manga') {
    const title = args.join(' ');
    if (!title) {
      return message.reply('Please provide the title of the manga.');

    try {
      const manga = await AnilistAPIClient.manga.getByTitle(title);
      message.reply(`Found manga: ${manga.title.romaji} - ${manga.description}`);
    } catch (error) {
      message.reply(`Error: ${error.message}`);


Development and Contribution

If you want to contribute to the module's development:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Build the project:
    npm run build
  4. Run tests:
    npm test


This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use and modify it.