Let's take steps to actually be great. There are a lot of time being spent on social media complaining, tweeting and refreshing.
Here is a partial list of organizations that are fighting the good fight. You can actually help.
Please find those that resonate with you, donate time, money, or both.
- Represent.Us
- OurRevolution (Sanders campaign spinoff).
- Your state senators and federal representatives - time to start paying attention to what they're doing. Call them up.
- Support investigative journalism:
- New York Times
- Washington Post
- ProPublica
- Poynter Institute
- The Atlantic
- Other local and national newspapers that you feel will hold government accountable via non-partisan reporting.
- Environmental Voter Project: contribute to this bi-partisan effort to get voters who consider the environment to be their 1st or 2nd priority to vote. Turns out they don't vote.
- 350.org - grassroots organizers for climate action.
- NRDC Natural Resources Defense Counsel
- Earthjustice - lawyers for Earth
- Center for Biological Diversity (species + habitat preservation)
- Mass Energy - group buy-in for an electric car program + other clean energy
- Mothers Out Front - moms for a livable planet
- NPCA National Parks Conservation Association
- The Nature Conservancy - restores/preserves ecologically valuable places worldwide.
- Planned Parenthood Action Fund - The political/legal wing of the Planned Parenthood organization.
- Planned Parenthood - the women's health provider
- NARAL - ProChoiceAmerica
- Center for Reproductive Rights - global org for women's reproductive rights
- ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union - Protects the consitutition.
- Anti Defamation League (Anti-Semitism)
- Southern Poverty Law Center (anti hate crime)
- Center for Constitutional Rights (CRR)
- Public Knowledge (open + free internet)
- NAACP LDF (people of color)
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
- Muslim Justice League
- Workers Defense Project
- Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
Thanks to my friend Daria Mark for putting the initial list together and allowing me to publish it.