A collaborative twitch-based choose-your-own-adventure (In the future or past with 4D Space Coordinates) game
Multiverse Generator a text-based adventure/simulation game set within a specific theme dynamically generated by an Openai GPT 3.5 Turbo. For the time travel theme, the main character is a time traveler vising a historic time period or future time peroid with no format goals or rules set. The game is played collaboratively through twitch chat. Users can change the storage of information and the output.
Simulate accurate 2023 Part Numbers from a 2023 Toyota Tacoma
This project is a standard Python package and can be installed via pip
. View below for more specific instructions. We used Python 3.11 for this project as well as an Nvidia A4500
required pips
pip install openai
pip install twitchio
pip install uvicorn-loguru-integration
pip install uvicorn
pip install fastapi
Set up a virtual environment and naviate to the directoy wtih the code after opening an anconda prompt:
https://www.anaconda.com/download https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJC6ldI3hWk download and install anaconda then open an anaconda terminal window with anaconda prompt
Install the package in editable mode with development dependencies:
pip install -e ".[dev]"
Rename template.config.json to config.json and grab a twitch 0auth token as well as OpenaiAPI key using the processes below to fill in the config.json file:
https://twitchtokengenerator.com/ get token here for twitch
https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys get api keys for openai here
Run the executable:
twitch-plays-llm run