F# support for Vim/Neovim
Part of the Ionide plugin suite.
A fork of fsharp/vim-fsharp.
Uses LSP-mode of FsAutoComplete as a backend.
Uses one of the following LSP clients:
- Neovim's built-in LSP client (requires Neovim 0.5+)
- autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim.
Consider this to be beta since it's lacking features compared to Ionide-VSCode and not as battle-tested as that.
That being said, we maintainers use this plugin daily so it will someday become feature-rich and stable for sure.
Feel free to request features and/or file bug reports!
Neovim or Vim 8.0+
- Python support is not required as of now. This may or may not change in the future.
- Required to install and run FsAutoComplete.
- Very useful for command-line development.
If you are using Vim or Neovim below version 0.5:
- autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim
- Required to communicate with FsAutoComplete.
- junegunn/fzf (optional)
- Optional dependency of LanguageClient-neovim.
- Multi-entry selection UI.
- autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim
- Syntax highlighting
- Auto completions
- Error highlighting, error list, and quick fixes based on errors
- Tooltips
- Codelens
- Go to Definition
- Find all references
- Highlighting usages
- Rename
- Show symbols in file
- Find symbol in workspace
- Show signature in status line
- Integration with F# Interactive
- Integration with FSharpLint (additional hints and quick fixes)
- Integration with Fantomas (the best formatter available for F#)
Install FsAutoComplete with dotnet tool install
If you want to install it as a "global" tool, run dotnet tool install -g fsautocomplete
If you want to install it as a project-local tool, run dotnet tool install fsautocomplete
at the root directory of your F# project, and configure g:fsharp#fsautocomplete_command
as explained here.
No LSP client plugin is required.
If you are using neovim/nvim-lspconfig, do not enable fsautocomplete
Ionide-vim automatically integrates itself into nvim-lspconfig and will register itself as a server.
Install LanguageClient-neovim. Refer to their INSTALL.md.
Here is the example for vim-plug package manager.
Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', {
\ 'branch': 'next',
\ 'do': 'bash install.sh',
\ }
If you are running Windows, you will have to set the value of do
to 'powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted .\install.ps1'
We recommend using hrsh7th/nvim-cmp, but the setup is a bit complicated. See the example in our wiki for how to setup nvim-cmp to be used with Ionide-vim.
Shougo/deoplete.nvim is an easier alternative, but they say its development is complete and it won't get some features such as heredoc.
" if you use nvim > 0.5:
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
Plug 'deoplete-plugins/deoplete-lsp'
" otherwise:
Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
Plug 'roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc'
" also set this in both cases.
let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
Plug 'ionide/Ionide-vim'
call dein#add('ionide/Ionide-vim')
Clone Ionide-vim to some runtimepath.
Opening either *.fs
, *.fsi
or *.fsx
files should trigger syntax highlighting and other depending runtime files as well.
Ionide-vim only handles F# specific features of FsAutoComplete, and any other generic features such as "go to definition" and "rename" are provided by either Neovim or autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim.
You should set your key bindings for those features on your own, so please refer to their documentation. The examples in our wiki also contains an example bindings for both Neovim and LanguageClient-neovim.
To be added as requested for F#-specific features.
- Shows the projects currently loaded.
- Loads specified projects (
- Reloads all the projects currently loaded.
- Automatically called when you save
files. Can be disabled in settings.
- Updates FSAC configuration.
- See FsAutoComplete Settings for details.
Ionide-vim has an integration with F# Interactive.
FSI is displayed using the builtin :terminal
feature introduced in Vim 8 / Neovim and can be used like in VSCode.
- Shows a F# Interactive window.
- Evaluates given expression in FSI.
- Sends the content of current file to FSI.
- Resets the current FSI session.
- When in normal mode, sends the current line to FSI.
- When in visual mode, sends the selection to FSI.
- Sending code to FSI opens FSI window but the cursor does not focus to it. Unlike Neovim, Vim doesn't support asynchronous buffer updating so you have to input something (e.g. moving cursor) to see the result. You can change this behavior in settings.
- Toggles FSI window. FSI windows shown in different tabpages share the same FSI session.
- When opened, the cursor automatically focuses to the FSI window (unlike in
by default).
You can customize the location of FSI, key mappings, etc. See the documentation below.
To be added as requested for F#-specific features.
See some examples in our wiki if you're not sure what you would want to set.
Set g:fsharp#backend
if you want to use neovim's built-in LSP client.languageclient-neovim
if you want to use autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim.disable
if you only want the syntax highlighting and the FSI integration.
Default: nvim
if you are using Neovim 0.5+, languageclient-neovim
let g:fsharp#backend = "languageclient-neovim"
Default: ['fsautocomplete', '--background-service-enabled']
This option overrides the path to the FSAC Ionide-vim uses.
By default, Ionide-vim uses the FSAC installed globally with dotnet tool install
For example, if you want to use a project-local FSAC, set the following:
let g:fsharp#fsautocomplete_command =
\ [ 'dotnet',
\ 'fsautocomplete',
\ '--background-service-enabled'
\ ]
Note: You have to use an array here. Setting a string value to this option will result in an error.
Default: not set
Ionide-vim does not provide default keybindings for various LSP features, so you will have to set them yourself.
- If you are using neovim's built-in LSP client, see here.
- If you are using LanguageClient-neovim, refer to their docs.
Examples are available at our wiki.
Default: enabled
Neovim's LSP client comes with no default colorscheme, so Ionide-vim sets a VSCode-like one for LSP diagnostics by default. You can disable this by the following:
let g:fsharp#lsp_recommended_colorscheme = 0
Default: enabled
With nvim-lspconfig, you would manually call the setup
function for each LSP servers.
Ionide-vim does this automatically by default, but you can disable it.
let g:fsharp#lsp_auto_setup = 0
lua << EOF
Default: enabled
By default, Ionide-vim sets the following so that CodeLens gets refreshed automatically.
augroup FSharp_AutoRefreshCodeLens
autocmd CursorHold,InsertLeave <buffer> lua vim.lsp.codelens.refresh()
augroup END
You can disable this by setting the below option:
let g:fsharp#lsp_codelens = 0
Note: this setting does not affect LanguageClient-neovim's CodeLens feature. Please see their docs for how to configure it.
- Ionide-vim uses
for the setting names.- For FSAC settings only,
can also be used (as it gets serialized to a F# record). - If both
are specified, thesnake_case
one will be preferred.
- For FSAC settings only,
- You can change the values at runtime and then notify the changes to FSAC by
. - Some of the settings may not work in Ionide-vim as it is lacking the corresponding feature of Ionide-VSCode.
- If not specified, the recommended default values described in the FSAC's documentation will be used.
- You can disable this by
let g:fsharp#use_recommended_server_config = 0
- You can disable this by
See the documentation of FSAC for the complete list of available settings. Frequently used ones are:
Default: enabled
let g:fsharp#automatic_workspace_init = 1 " 0 to disable.
Default: 2
let g:fsharp#workspace_mode_peek_deep_level = 2
Default: empty
let g:fsharp#exclude_project_directories = ['paket-files']
Default: all enabled
You may want to bind LanguageClient#textDocument_codeAction()
to some shortcut key. Refer to their docs.
" 0 to disable.
let g:fsharp#linter = 1
let g:fsharp#unused_opens_analyzer = 1
let g:fsharp#unused_declarations_analyzer = 1
Default: enabled
let g:fsharp#automatic_reload_workspace = 1 " 0 to disable.
Default: disabled
let g:fsharp#show_signature_on_cursor_move = 0 " 1 to disable.
Note: this feature is known to be causing issues in some circumstances (#57, #58). So this feature is now disabled by default.
Default: dotnet fsi
If you want to use a .NET Framework FSI instead of .NET Core one, set g:fsharp#use_sdk_scripts
to 0
See: ionide/FsAutoComplete#466 (comment)
let g:fsharp#fsi_command = "fsharpi"
let g:fsharp#use_sdk_scripts = 0 " for net462 FSI
Default: empty
Sets additional arguments of the FSI instance Ionide-vim spawns and changes the behavior of FSAC accordingly when editing fsx files.
let g:fsharp#fsi_extra_parameters = ['--langversion:preview']
Default: botright 10new
It must create a new empty window and then focus to it.
See :help opening-window
for details.
let g:fsharp#fsi_window_command = "botright vnew"
Default: disabled
If you are using Vim, you might want to enable this to see the result without inputting something.
let g:fsharp#fsi_focus_on_send = 1 " 0 to not to focus.
Default: vscode
: Default. Same as in Ionide-VSCode (Alt-Enter
to send,Alt-@
to toggle terminal).<M-CR>
in Neovim /<ESC><CR>
in Vim: Sends line/selection to FSI.<M-@>
in Neovim /<ESC>@
in Vim: Toggles FSI window.
: Same as in fsharp/vim-fsharp. Note that<leader>
is mapped to backslash by default. See:help mapleader
: Sends line/selecion to FSI.<leader>e
: Toggles FSI window.
: You must set bothg:fsharp#fsi_keymap_send
by yourself.g:fsharp#fsi_keymap_send
: Sends line/selection to FSI.g:fsharp#fsi_keymap_toggle
: Toggles FSI window.
: Disables mapping.
" custom mapping example
let g:fsharp#fsi_keymap = "custom"
let g:fsharp#fsi_keymap_send = "<C-e>"
let g:fsharp#fsi_keymap_toggle = "<C-@>"
Linting (other than the basic ones described above) and formatting is powered by independent tools, FSharpLint and Fantomas respectively.
Both uses their own JSON file for configuration and Ionide-vim does not control them. See their docs about configuration: FSharpLint and Fantomas.
If you are using neovim 0.4.0 or later, floating windows will be used for tooltips and you might find it convenient to make them appear if the cursor does not move for several seconds.
if has('nvim') && exists('*nvim_open_win')
augroup FSharpShowTooltip
autocmd CursorHold *.fs,*.fsi,*.fsx call fsharp#showTooltip()
augroup END
Note that you can set the delay time to show the tooltip by set updatetime=<ms>
. The default delay is 4 seconds, which you may find too slow.
- The primary maintainer for this repository is @cannorin.