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Alan Souza edited this page Sep 12, 2017
3 revisions
import { ICON_NAME } from 'grommet-icons';
- NOTE: add babel-plugin-grommet to your
to make sure only the icons imported will be included in the final bundle. If you prefer not to use the plugin, import the icon with its full path:
import ICON_NAME from 'grommet-icons/icons/ICON_NAME';
import { AccessAccessibility } from 'grommet-icons';
Name | Icon |
Accessibility | |
Achievement | |
Action | |
Actions | |
Ad | |
AddCircle | |
Add | |
Aed | |
Aggregate | |
AidOption | |
Aid | |
Alarm | |
Alert | |
Amazon | |
Amex | |
Analytics | |
Android | |
Announce | |
AppleAppStore | |
Apple | |
Apps | |
Archive | |
Archlinux | |
Article | |
Aruba | |
Ascend | |
AssistListening | |
Atm | |
Attachment | |
Attraction | |
Baby | |
BackTen | |
BarChart | |
Bar | |
Basket | |
Bitcoin | |
Blog | |
Book | |
Bookmark | |
BottomCorner | |
Braille | |
Briefcase | |
Brush | |
Bug | |
Bundle | |
Bus | |
BusinessService | |
Cafeteria | |
Calculator | |
Calendar | |
Camera | |
Capacity | |
Car | |
CaretDown | |
CaretNext | |
CaretPrevious | |
CaretUp | |
Cart | |
CatalogOption | |
Catalog | |
Centos | |
Channel | |
ChapterAdd | |
ChapterNext | |
ChapterPrevious | |
ChatOption | |
Chat | |
CheckboxSelected | |
Checkbox | |
Checkmark | |
Chrome | |
CircleInformation | |
CirclePlay | |
CircleQuestion | |
ClearOption | |
Clear | |
Cli | |
Clipboard | |
Clock | |
Clone | |
Close | |
ClosedCaption | |
CloudComputer | |
CloudDownload | |
CloudSoftware | |
CloudUpload | |
Cloud | |
Cloudlinux | |
Cluster | |
CoatCheck | |
Code | |
CodepenEdit | |
CodepenTry | |
Codepen | |
Columns | |
Compare | |
Compass | |
Compliance | |
Configure | |
Connect | |
Connectivity | |
ContactInfo | |
Contact | |
Contract | |
Copy | |
CreativeCommons | |
CreditCard | |
Css3 | |
Cube | |
Cubes | |
Currency | |
Cursor | |
Cut | |
Cycle | |
Dashboard | |
Database | |
Debian | |
Deliver | |
Deploy | |
Descend | |
Desktop | |
Detach | |
Device | |
Diamond | |
Directions | |
Dislike | |
Docker | |
DocumentCloud | |
DocumentConfig | |
DocumentCsv | |
DocumentDownload | |
DocumentExcel | |
DocumentImage | |
DocumentLocked | |
DocumentMissing | |
DocumentNotes | |
DocumentOutlook | |
DocumentPdf | |
DocumentPerformance | |
DocumentPpt | |
DocumentRtf | |
DocumentSound | |
DocumentStore | |
DocumentTest | |
DocumentText | |
DocumentThreat | |
DocumentTime | |
DocumentTransfer | |
DocumentTxt | |
DocumentUpdate | |
DocumentUpload | |
DocumentUser | |
DocumentVerified | |
DocumentVideo | |
DocumentWindows | |
DocumentWord | |
DocumentZip | |
Document | |
Domain | |
Dos | |
Down | |
Download | |
Drag | |
DriveCage | |
Dropbox | |
Duplicate | |
Dxc | |
Edge | |
Edit | |
Eject | |
Elevator | |
Emergency | |
EmptyCircle | |
Erase | |
Escalaton | |
Expand | |
FacebookOption | |
Fan | |
FastForward | |
Favorite | |
Fedora | |
Filter | |
FingerPrint | |
Fireball | |
Firefox | |
Flag | |
FolderCycle | |
FolderOpen | |
Folder | |
FormAdd | |
FormAttachment | |
FormCalendar | |
FormCheckmark | |
FormClock | |
FormClose | |
FormCut | |
FormDown | |
FormEdit | |
FormFilter | |
FormFolder | |
FormLocation | |
FormLock | |
FormNextLink | |
FormNext | |
FormPreviousLink | |
FormPrevious | |
FormRefresh | |
FormSchedule | |
FormSearch | |
FormSubtract | |
FormTrash | |
FormUp | |
FormUpload | |
FormViewHide | |
FormView | |
ForwardTen | |
Freebsd | |
Gallery | |
Gamepad | |
Gift | |
Github | |
Globe | |
Golang | |
GooglePlay | |
GooglePlus | |
GoogleWallet | |
Gremlin | |
Grid | |
GrommetOutline | |
Grommet | |
Group | |
Grow | |
Hadoop | |
Halt | |
Help | |
Heroku | |
History | |
Home | |
Horton | |
HostMaintenance | |
Host | |
Hp | |
HpeElementOutline | |
HpeElement | |
HpeLabsInsigniaOutline | |
HpeLabsInsignia | |
HpeStackCentered | |
HpeStack | |
Hpi | |
Html5 | |
IceCream | |
Image | |
Impact | |
InProgress | |
Inbox | |
Indicator | |
Info | |
Inherit | |
Inspect | |
InstallOption | |
Install | |
Integration | |
InternetExplorer | |
Iteration | |
Java | |
Language | |
Launch | |
Layer | |
License | |
Like | |
LineChart | |
LinkBottom | |
LinkDown | |
LinkNext | |
LinkPrevious | |
LinkTop | |
LinkUp | |
Link | |
LinkedinOption | |
Local | |
LocationPin | |
Location | |
Lock | |
Login | |
Logout | |
Lounge | |
Magic | |
MailOption | |
Mandriva | |
Manual | |
MapLocation | |
Map | |
Mastercard | |
Medium | |
Menu | |
Microfocus | |
Microphone | |
Money | |
Monitor | |
More | |
Multimedia | |
Multiple | |
Music | |
Mysql | |
Navigate | |
NewWindow | |
New | |
Next | |
Nodes | |
Norton | |
Note | |
Notes | |
Notification | |
ObjectGroup | |
ObjectUngroup | |
OfflineStorage | |
Onedrive | |
Opera | |
Optimize | |
Oracle | |
Organization | |
Overview | |
Paint | |
Pan | |
PauseFill | |
Pause | |
Paypal | |
Performance | |
PersonalComputer | |
PieChart | |
PiedPiper | |
Pin | |
Plan | |
PlayFill | |
Play | |
Power | |
Previous | |
ProductHunt | |
RadialSelected | |
Radial | |
Raspberry | |
Reactjs | |
Redhat | |
Refresh | |
Resources | |
Restaurant | |
RestroomMen | |
RestroomWomen | |
Restroom | |
Resume | |
Revert | |
Rewind | |
Risk | |
Robot | |
Rss | |
Run | |
SafariOption | |
Satellite | |
Save | |
Scan | |
ScheduleNew | |
SchedulePlay | |
Schedule | |
Schedules | |
Sco | |
Scorecard | |
SearchAdvanced | |
Search | |
Secure | |
Select | |
Selection | |
Sematics | |
Send | |
ServerCluster | |
Server | |
Servers | |
ServicePlay | |
Services | |
SettingsOption | |
ShareOption | |
Share | |
ShieldSecurity | |
Shield | |
Shift | |
Shop | |
Sidebar | |
Sign | |
Skype | |
Slack | |
Snapchat | |
Solaris | |
Sort | |
Spa | |
Split | |
Splits | |
Square | |
StackOverflow | |
Stakeholder | |
StarHalf | |
Star | |
StatusCriticalOutline | |
StatusCriticalSmall | |
StatusCritical | |
StatusDisabledOutline | |
StatusDisabledSmall | |
StatusDisabled | |
StatusGoodOutline | |
StatusGoodSmall | |
StatusGood | |
StatusInfoOutline | |
StatusInfoSmall | |
StatusInfo | |
StatusPlaceholderOutline | |
StatusPlaceholderSmall | |
StatusPlaceholder | |
StatusUnknownOutline | |
StatusUnknownSmall | |
StatusUnknown | |
StatusWarningOutline | |
StatusWarningSmall | |
StatusWarning | |
StepsOption | |
Steps | |
StopFill | |
Stop | |
Storage | |
StreetView | |
Stripe | |
SubtractCircle | |
Subtract | |
Support | |
Suse | |
Swift | |
Swim | |
Sync | |
System | |
TableAdd | |
Table | |
Tag | |
TapeOption | |
Tape | |
Target | |
Task | |
Tasks | |
Technology | |
Template | |
Terminal | |
TestDesktop | |
Test | |
TextWrap | |
Threats | |
ThreeDffects | |
ThreeD | |
Ticket | |
Tip | |
Toast | |
Tools | |
Tooltip | |
TopCorner | |
Transaction | |
Trash | |
TreeOption | |
Tree | |
Trigger | |
Trophy | |
Troubleshoot | |
Tty | |
Tumblr | |
Turbolinux | |
Ubuntu | |
Unixware | |
Unlink | |
Unlock | |
Up | |
Update | |
Upgrade | |
Upload | |
UserAdd | |
UserAdmin | |
UserExpert | |
UserFemale | |
UserManager | |
UserNew | |
UserPolice | |
UserSettings | |
UserWorker | |
User | |
Validate | |
Vend | |
Video | |
View | |
Vimeo | |
VirtualMachine | |
Visa | |
VmMaintenance | |
Vmware | |
VolumeControl | |
VolumeLow | |
VolumeMute | |
Volume | |
Vulnerability | |
Waypoint | |
WheelchairActive | |
Wheelchair | |
WindowsLegacy | |
Windows | |
Wordpress | |
Workshop | |
Yoga | |
Youtube | |
ZoomIn | |
ZoomOut |