Rails-style assets for golang beego web framework.
To install library, create config in ./conf/asset-pipeline.conf and enter into the console:
go get github.com/gtforge/beego-assets
Add following lines to your main file
import (
_ "github.com/gtforge/beego-assets"
Put basic config to ./conf/asset-pipeline.conf
Use functions javascript_include_tag and stylesheet_include_tag in your templates
{{ asset_js "application" }}
{{ asset_css "application" }}
Library support preprocessors, like sass, less, scss and coffeescript. It use Node.js and corresponding libraries, so, you should install them before using it.
First, install corresponding node modules
Less: npm install less -g
Scss/Sass: npm install node-sass -g
Coffeescript: npm install coffee-script -g
After that you can use less by adding following line to your imports
Less: import _ "github.com/gtforge/beego-assets/less"
Sass: import _ "github.com/gtforge/beego-assets/sass"
Scss: import _ "github.com/gtforge/beego-assets/scss"
Coffeescript: import _ "github.com/gtforge/beego-assets/coffee"
Asset extension sholud be .js or .css. Depends on include_tag function
Current version of library support only "require" method.
/*= require css/file1
/*= require css/file1
//= require js/file1
//= require js/file2
The configuration file is ./conf/asset-pipeline.conf have basic INI format.
- assets_dir - paths to assets files(You can specify many directories, separated by commas)
- public_dirs - paths, where library will search for files for assets.(You can specify many directories, separated by commas)
- temp_dir - path to store compiled asset files.
You can define different parameters for different runmodes, which are defined in ./conf/app.conf. Name of section is the value of runmode. If there is no such section, all the parameters will be false
- minify_js - Flag to minify javascript assets
- minify_css - Flag to minify stylesheet assets
- combine_js - Flag to combine multiple javascript files into one file
- combine_css - Flag to combine multiple stylesheet files into one file
- production_mode - It this flag is FALSE, assets will be recompiled each page request
#paths where assets stored(Devided by comma)
assets_dirs = assets/javascripts,assets/stylesheets
#path to js/css
public_dirs = static
#where to put compiled assets files
temp_dir = static/assets
minify_js = true
minify_css = true
combine_js = true
combine_css = true
production_mode = false
minify_js = false
minify_css = false
combine_js = false
combine_css = false
production_mode = false
SetAssetFileExtension - add your own extension to files finder
- extension string - Extension name, with point.(Ex. ".js")
- asset_type AssetType - beegoAssets.AssetStylesheet / beegoAssets.AssetJavascript
SetPreLoadCallback - define pre-load callback for assets. "cb" will be executed before loading assets files to memory.
- asset_type AssetType
- cb preLoadCallback - callback, which will be executed before asset compilation
SetPreBuildCallback - define pre-build callback for assets. "cb" will be executed before building of asset
- asset_type AssetType
- cb pre_afterBuildCallback - callback, which will be executed before asset compilation
SetAfterBuildCallback - define after-build callback for assets. "cb" will be executed after asset was built
- asset_type AssetType
- cb pre_afterBuildCallback - callback, which will be executed after asset compilation