todo: describe modules
You have to install 'AWS cli' for using scripts within the project.
$ cd ms-services/example-service/
Open and edit the file '' within the folder (PROJECT_ROOT/ms-services/example-service/). You have to define several values in top of the file:
# define your credential using profile or any other approaches
# you can comment next line and configure AWS cli using command 'aws configure'
# define your AWS region (you can use any region with serverless architecture support)
export AWS_REGION=us-west-1
# create an s3 bucket abd define the name of backet here:
# define your CF stack name (can leave as is)
export CLOUD_FORMATION_STACK_NAME=ExampleServiceStack
Than - run this script:
PROJECT_ROOT/ms-services/example-service/$ ./
This command should run maven to clean and package your services, and then - deploy CloudFormation stack with your services to AWS.
Find in output of the script strings:
"OutputValue": "https://**********"
"OutputValue": "https://**********"
these are your URLs for calling deployed functions