- ac9149a feat: Arc graphic #103
- f949b9f feat: Arc graphic #95
- 934e6cb feat: Area graphic #90
- e99de8a feat: Arrow, triangle, diamond, plus, cross shapes for point graphic #100
- f027dc3 feat: Bar X graphic #88
- 3bd8687 feat: Bar X/Y graphics (gauge) #94
- 88721ba feat: Bar graphic #91
- b3e1033 feat: Circle graphic #103
- 26ed1a6 feat: Circle graphic #95
- 63a5341 feat: Curve X graphic #88
- 3283055 feat: Curve graphic #88
- 809739a feat: Guide X/Y graphics #91
- 56288cd feat: Include fill-none, stroke-none styles (tw 3.2.1)
- 00a1f7d feat: Label graphic #88
- 4b2c22c feat: Line X, area X graphics #88
- da3fa36 feat: Line graphic #89
- 360f6af feat: Link (segment) graphic #101
- abfe783 feat: Link Y graphic #88
- 6379f92 feat: Make all graphics responsive to window resizing #88
- b1ef286 feat: Point graphic #100
- 5f6751f feat: Polyline, polygon graphics #103
- 5e3c8e7 feat: Rect graphic #103
- da739b5 feat: Spline Y graphic #88
- 788470d feat: Spline graphic #102
- b188c46 feat: Step X graphics #88
- da02d16 feat: Step graphic #91
- 755a333 feat: Stroke X graphic #88
- ad0b06c feat: Stroke graphic #91
- 380c77b feat: Tick X graphic #88
- ec2ea6e feat: Tick graphic #92
- 901ef84 feat: fill- and stroke- styles for controlling SVG fill and stroke color/widths #91