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The pdf should contain the most important formulas and concepts from the following lecture material.
Lecture | Topic | Reference in book | Reference in additional material |
1 | Introduction: What are models, what are simulations, notation | 1.1, 14.1.1 | 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 |
2 | System dynamics and differential equations. | 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 | 1.5, 1.7 |
3 | Vectors, reference frames and rotations | 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 | |
4 | Rotations and Euler angles | 6.4, 6.5 | |
5 | Angular velocities and accelerations | 6.6.5, 6.7.1, 6.7.3, 6.8, 6.9.4 | |
6 | Velocities and accelerations | 6.6.5, 6.7.1, 6.7.3, 6.8, 6.9.4 | |
7 | Angle axis, quaternions | 6.6.5, 6.7.1, 6.7.3, 6.8, 6.9.4 | |
8 | Rigid body dynamics | 6.12, 6.13.2 | |
9 | Rigid body dynamics | 6.12, 6.13.2 | |
10 | Rigid body dynamics | 7.2, 7.3.1-7.3.7 | |
11 | Lagrange mechanics | 8.2 | 2 |
12 | Lagrange mechanics | 8.2 | 2 |
13 | Lagrange mechanics | 8.2 | 2 |
14 | Lagrange mechanics | 8.2 | 2 |
15 | Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) | 14.12 | 5 |
16 | Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) | 14.12 | 5 |
17 | Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) | 14.12 | 5 |
18 | Explicit simulation methods (intro, Euler, order, RK2, Butcher Tableau) | 6 | |
19 | Explicit simulation methods (stage vs Order, stability function) | 6 | |
20 | Implicit simulation methods (intro, IRK ,basic methods, stability function...) | 3 (a little bit), 7 | |
21 | Implicit simulation methods (A-stability, L-stability, automatic step size...) | 7 | |
22 | Integration of DAEs (via implicit and explicit methods) | 7 | |
23 | Actuator dynamics and system modelling | 3.1, 3.2, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.5.1, 3.5.2 | |
24 | Actuator dynamics and system modelling | 4.1, 4.2.1-4.2.5, 4.3 | |
25 | Actuator dynamics and system modelling |
The table above is a the lecture plan for TTK4130 spring 2023